Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: They Carried Him
Over and over again, Jesus repeated the same words: The greatest commandment, the greatest instruction, the greatest lesson… was to love and love well. But how do we truly love well? It’s a question that I have been walking through with God a lot recently; a place and space where He has been calling me to grow. And here’s just one of the lessons that He has taught me…
In Mark chapter 2 (TPT), we find the story of the paralyzed man lowered into a house where Jesus was speaking:
“While Jesus was preaching the word of God, four men arrived, carrying a paralyzed man. But when they realized that they couldn’t even get near {Jesus} because of the crowd, they went up on top of the house and tore away at the roof above {His} head. And when they had broken through, they lowered the paralyzed man on the stretcher right down in front of him!
👉 When Jesus saw the extent of THEIR faith…
… He said to the paralyzed man, ‘My son, your sins are now forgiven… Stand up, pick up your stretcher, and walk home.’ Immediately the man was healed and sprang to his feet in front of everyone.”
👉 Friends who pray with you (HELP CARRY YOU) into your DIVINE COLLISION with the healing power of Jesus!
👉 Friends who enter Heaven’s Kingdom Realm seeking the Father’s Healing Touch, with Bold Faith & Humble Hearts – not for themselves – but for each other!
And suddenly I feel the familiar tug of wonder – Do I have friends that would do this for me?
But then I am reminded to flip the script on that narrative; to change the course of my thoughts. To PRACTICE this kind of love in my own life and instead, ask myself –
Who can I do this for today?
In the book, Throne Room Prayer by Brian and Candice Simmons, he likens intercessory prayer (standing in the gap/ praying for another) to painting a target on the needs of someone else and then asking God to aim His divine power directly at the bullseye. I absolutely love this visual.
Because of “their” faith…
“For wherever two or three come together…”
And the question for my heart is clear –
Who can I carry today?
Who can I pray with and/or intercede for until they have their divine collision with the healing power of Jesus?
Where can I be used to pour my heart into the healing of another?
For whom can I enter Heaven’s Kingdom Realm and, with bold faith, seek the Father’s Healing touch on their behalf?
And if I don’t know… I will simply ask, because He is always faithful to answer.
Thank you for hanging out with me in my two-minute thoughts for the day. Have a beautiful week, my friends!
If you enjoyed this post, you may like my book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons, available today on Amazon.