
Book Review: Josiah Is His Name by Margaret Johnson

I always struggle a bit at the beginning of a book review to find the right words. After all, books like these take you on your own intimate walk with the Holy Spirit as you turn the pages, and every journey takes on its own life as we each experience the book differently. One thing I know for sure is that this book will bless you… deeply.

Many of the books that I have picked up to read this year (and loved) have been spiritual self-help (of sorts) but this book was different. Very different. This book was a personal testimony beginning to end. And it was amazing!

Let’s start here: Josiah Is His Name (by Margaret Johnson) was recommended to me by a friend. One of the first things that excited me about this book was that it was a small-town author, relatively unknown to big book-churning publishers. As a fellow small-town (self-published) author, I not only respected this… I was drawn to it. You see, I find a unique voice in less-known authors. They are authentic, raw, and passionate. They don’t worry about how to filter their stories to appeal to the larger crowds and sell more books, but rather, they pour their heart out and give a deep, vulnerable, beautiful and unfiltered account of their journey – and there is definitely something to be said about that!

To clarify, I have nothing against big authors and big publishers (I’d love to be one). I just have a natural attraction to stories that don’t necessarily go through that big filtering process.

One of the things that I loved (LOVED!) about this book is how it spoke to the relationship that we develop with Jesus. How He pursues us, loves us, speaks to us, covers us, hears us, and provides for us. Over and over in her testimony, Margaret shares how God planned, orchestrated, and laid out encounters, events, and blessings to cover her with His grace, His love, and His provisions. Wow! Just wow! In all honestly, I wish I could share with you the part of the book that literally brought me into a total mess of tears… the way that God orchestrated a beautiful, healing, and most incredibly perfect moment in her life that just perfectly demonstrated His indescribable love and His goodness… but if I did that, I’d be spoiling the moment for you and it was so moving for me that I just won’t rob you of that. Nope…. nope… but gosh! Oh, how I want to share it!

In truth, there are many really great moments in this book that I felt God pouring through me. One such page was this…

It was my divinely appointed time. It was when God himself called me to a higher level of intimacy with Him. It was perfectly orchestrated and planned with precision, as only He can do….

God’s timing is everything in our lives. I want to address someone right now who may be waiting on God for something or someone. Be persistent in your prayer, always with thanksgiving, and know it’s His way, His timing and His perfect will. Allow Him to guide you. God has a perfect timing – never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it’s worth the wait.

Or the moment below that spoke SO VERY deep into my spirit…

That is who He is, the God of suddenly!

The door seems indefinitely closed, the path crowded, the waters impassible… and then… suddenly – the door opens, the path clears, the waters part… the God of suddenly… it spoke so deep to my soul.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for using this book to speak into my own journey. Thank you, Margaret, for your willingness to allow vulnerability to flow and speak into the hearts of others.

I definitely recommend this book. It’s a beautiful and touching read, poured into with love and true vulnerability, expressed with passion and deep care for the heart of her readers! It’s a true gem!

If you’re interested in picking up a copy of the book, you can find it on Amazon here (click here).

Have a blessed and beautiful day!


Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!