8 Truths About God’s Love & Powerful Declarations to Speak Over Your Life Today!
Friends, if you need a little reminder about how much you are loved and how valuable and irreplaceable you are in His eyes, I encourage you to read through these eight truths and allow them to deeply take root in your heart today! Make these declarations over your life and allow them to bring you hope, encouragement, and strength. Blessings, friends! He is with us.
1. I am deeply loved by a Heavenly Father that knows me by name. He delights in me today, right now, in this very moment, just as I am. Even in the moments when I fall short or fail, He picks me up, dusts me off, and proudly calls me His. I do not have to earn His love, chase perfection, or be “enough.” I am simply, beautifully, and unconditionally His child… because He chose me. Because He sees me. And because He loves me that much.
2. My pain, my struggles, my difficult seasons… they will not go unnoticed or disregarded. My “little” is never insignificant to Him and I am never left to make the journey alone. Although sometimes I find myself sitting in His waiting room, desperately clinging to His promises for a brighter tomorrow, I know that He is a good and faithful Father and He will always see me through. He will reweave my pain to create something beautiful for my future.
3. The invitation will always read, “come as you are.” He will meet me there… in my pain. In my anger. In my doubt and confusion. In my brokenness. There is no need to clean up the mess. He will never ask me to look my best before I approach Him with my worst. He wants me today, just as I am, and He will hold me. Weep with me. Dream for me. And encourage my heart.
4. He is the God of hope. When I stand staring at my circumstance, my storms threatening to overtake me at any moment, I can always seek peace in His presence and His promises. I have a Heavenly Father that will always (always) make a way. When the sheets of rain leave me frozen in fear or pain, and I cannot see a path through the storm, I can trust Him to calm the seas, part the waters, and guide me through. This is not the end of my story.
5. He is always working in the details, sometimes in the unseen, bringing me ever-closer to a place of peace, hope, and even joy. When a door closes, I will seek His guidance. When I see a love note from Him, I will thank Him for pouring over my heart. When my circumstances shift and opportunity knocks, I will give thanks for His blessings. My life is not a series of coincidences… it’s a series of changes that take place when I choose to lean into Him and I begin to recognize His love, His goodness, and His favor all around me.
6. I am called to something bigger… and I’m ready! He has placed gifts inside of me and a calling on my heart. He calls me beautiful and chosen. His calling for my life will be kingdom-shaking. I have not fallen short. I have not missed the boat. And I am not a mistake. I am right where He needs me to be and I’m ready… to chase His heart and follow His path for my life. I want to live fully alive… I want to dance… and I’m jumping fully in today!
7. I am healing and I am standing firm in my authority over the enemy. I am no longer allowing him to use my scars, my mistakes, and my past to keep me in a cycle of pain, shame, and anger. I serve the One True Healer and I know how much He loves me. There will be times when my giants still try to call my name, but I am learning that I can lean into my Heavenly Father and He will help me rise above and give me the strength to overcome. And though my heart has seen days in the fetal position, He has always caught me in the fall, called me out of the hopelessness and lit my way… sometimes one tiny and painful step at a time. On the days when I feel the same familiar and tormenting pain begin to creep in, I know now that the enemy has no power over me and I am not a product of my feelings or my past. I am healing because He is healing me. And He will see me through. I will process and, at times, I may still hurt. But I can give it to Him over and over, as many times as it takes. I am not forever broken, destined to stay in this same defeating cycle. He is my hope.
8. He is calling me, every day, to draw closer to Him. He doesn’t want or expect a blind love that seeks only to please a God that I don’t know. He wants me to know Him… truly KNOW Him. He wants me to hear His heart. To feel His love. And in knowing Him, to delight in Him. To share my day with Him. And to share my heart with Him. To understand His unconditional and divine love and allow it to take root in my heart and give me rest, peace, hope and joy. The invitation reads simply… draw close and truly know Me. Seek to know me deeply and fully. Today. And every day. And watch as I completely transform your heart and your life. I will pour over you. I love you. You are mine.