2-Min. Thoughts on Faith,  Jesus,  Mom Life

Am I Really Lovable? Finding God’s Truths in the Ashes

Can I share something with you today in the spirit of vulnerability and encouragement? This right here was one of the hardest truths for me to accept in my journey through healing. Like many of you, I have experienced firsthand the life-crushing weight of shame, fear, and insecurity. I have walked through very difficult seasons feeling hopeless and lost. I have known the pain of facing really hard days alone and deeply broken. 

But I learned something powerful in each of those places and spaces:

From our darkest seasons, God pieces together our most beautiful breakthroughs!

And mine was no exception. In fact, it was nothing short of miraculous.

But my story is no rare deviation from His norm. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: Although the details may vary, the testimony of God’s love rescuing us from the ashes is echoed in so many people that I meet because He is just that kind of Father, that kind of God. 

The kind that meets you in the wilderness and holds you until you are ready to stand. 

The kind that helps you dust off and encourages you to take the next step with Him. 

The kind that pours in grace when you feel deserving of anything but. 

The kind that faithfully walks you through, even when you doubt, even when you grow angry, and even when you don’t believe, and He provides not just enough, but in abundance. 

The kind of Father that heals and fills all of your empty and broken places until your cup overflows. 

And, my friend, He will do the same for you!

Please hear my heart today: Don’t ever let the enemy convince you that all hope is gone when Jesus thinks your very being- yes, you- was worth living and dying for (and He still does today)! Asked the question, He’d not hesitate to tell you that He would do it all over again. For you. For your heart. 

Yes, you.

You see, these are not just flippant words, slapped down to create a catchy “Motivational Monday” post. These are absolute truths. His truths. 

Life-changing, life-saving, life-giving truths! 

And I know, firsthand, that they have the power to pour healing into every part of your spirit and completely change the trajectory of your life. 

No matter how you *feel* today as you read through these, I pray that the promise, His promise, breaks through all of the other clutter and sounds and that you can hear His heart speaking directly to yours.

“My child, I love you with a love that knows no ends, no boundaries, and no exceptions.

You are my heart.”

His perfect love is unwavering and unchanging. His heart is steady, solid, and unshakable. When He looks at you, my friend, He is neither ashamed nor underwhelmed. You are His delight! Read that again… 

His absolute delight!

You ARE His beautiful child. His daughter. His little girl, no matter your age! And He loves you with a Father’s love that is completely indescribable in our limited human vocabulary. 

You ARE absolutely irreplaceable to Him. Not just one of many, blending in with the masses, but seen, held, and known personally, intimately, and individually. 

When you dance, He knows the song in your heart. When you sing, He knows the sound of your voice. Before you even whisper His name, He already knows your greatest joys and your deepest pains because He knows you. 

You are His greatest treasure, cherished beyond words, beyond understanding. And His whole heart. 

Today. Yesterday. And tomorrow still. 

Believe it and let it water the seeds that He is planting in your spirit. You are beautiful, lovable, deeply loved, and irreplaceable to the ONE who loves you most!

Blessings on a beautiful week!

Yours Truly,


Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!

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