2-Min. Thoughts on Faith,  Jesus

Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Gen-X Blast from the Past – Save the Last Dance

Okay, so warning… today’s “Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith” post is a bit out there. But it’s been lingering on my mind for days now, so I figured… why not? And bonus… if you’re of the Gen-X generation, particularly the latter end of that generation, you might even get a real kick out of this. So, let’s do it! I promise that if you hang with me for the end, it will be worth it! (Heads up: This post contains some colorful language.)

If you were a teenager or young adult during the turn of the century, think around 2001, you likely remember the movie, Save the Last Dance. Now, although hip-hop had been around for quite some time with hundreds of unnamed, talented artists that paved the way for others, it was really beginning to gain popularity in the broader entertainment genre sense by the early 2000’s (think movies, tv shows, etc). So here comes this movie, Save the Last Dance, with its love story, social issues, conflict, dream-chasing, drama, and lots of dancing… and well, insert Footloose or Dirty Dancing for my generation.

Now, I want you to think back to the scene where the two main characters, Derek and Sara, are dancing together in a club and Derek’s ex-girlfriend, Nikki, is watching from the railing above.

Really, Shannon, where is this going? I know, but bear with me.

Back to the story…

Nikki, the ex-girlfriend, is watching the two of them dance together and she doesn’t like what she sees. “Watch me squash this sh**,” she says to her girl crew and proceeds to walk down the stairs to the dance floor.

Within moments, we watch her devious plans play out on screen as she begins to dance near said-ex, Derek. She slowly and intentionally moves her way into his space and within minutes, he does the unthinkable… he begins dancing with her instead.

Don’t worry guys… I actually DO have a relevant point coming soon.

It takes Derek this painfully long period of time to realize that he has lost sight of the one who really matters to his heart, Sara, and is now dancing with Nikki, the snake-like one who seeks to destroy him.

And as I watch this play out on screen, I find myself cringing. Ewww… Really, Derek? How do you not realize what just happened? You played right into her hands.

Finally, Derek looks up. As the reality of what has just transpired pieces itself together in his mind, he is visibly overcome with a flood of emotions.

One moment of lost focus is all it took.

One moment, timed right, for her to slide in and cause destruction.

One moment.

“Watch me squash this sh**!”

Now, let’s see if I can bring this full circle and share with you the lesson that God began to pour into me recently.


I cannot say exactly where this thought came from, but one day while driving, I suddenly had that movie scene (the one described above) passing through my head. Funny thing though, the timing was quite odd… until I pieced it all together. Let me explain…

It was a beautiful day. Things were going exceptionally well on the home front and in the homeschool life << this is always super helpful! I had just had an amazing lunch with a friend and was still riding the high of how God has been moving in both of our lives. And then, as I sat there at a stoplight, I suddenly and unexpectedly pictured something out of nowhere…

The enemy…

… standing at a railing over my head, just like the movie scene above…

… speaking the words, “Watch me squash this sh**!”

And my heart squeezed.

What was that? Fear? Anxiety?

Whoa! What just happened?

And as the understanding fully downloaded, it slowly hit me…

Those moments when I’m headed to Women’s Ministry Night and my heart is on fire, but then my husband and I suddenly have an overblown disagreement out of nowhere…

“Watch me squash this sh**!” the enemy whispers.

Those moments when my book has an amazing opportunity to be shared with someone or a group of people and then I’m suddenly filled with thoughts of insecurity and doubt, moments of rejection flashing through my mind, one after the other, convincing me that this will end the same…

“Watch me squash this sh**!” the enemy laughs.

The moments that I back out of stepping into an act of faith, a powerful calling waiting on my heart to believe in His provisions and to simply lean in, all because I suddenly feel overwhelmed by shame of my imperfections and unworthiness…

“Watch me squash this sh**!” the enemy roars!

And without even realizing it…

I’m dancing with him… again!

I’m overcome with shame, fear, anxiety, pain, doubt, sadness, and hopelessness.

Gone are the feelings that come from dancing with my Jesus, replaced by this weighty, painful, yuck that the enemy, the sneaky snake-like source of destruction, pours into my heart.

It’s like a complete shift in peace and hope.

And I imagine myself in the audience again, screaming for the main character (ME!)…

… to finally look up…

… and realize…

… what has just happened!

To see the reality of who has just stolen my focus, my footing, and my hope.

And then, after what seems like a painfully long period of time, I finally do just that.

I look up.

And as the reality pieces itself together in my mind, I am overcome with emotions. I feel confused, heavy, sad, and anxious. How did I get here? Again!!!

In the fog of it all, only one thing is certain… I know what my next move needs to be. And if I want to regain my peace and security, I have to make the choice to act on it right away.

I push myself back, away from the enemy’s lies, and I run back to the lover of my heart.

I fall into His arms and ask Him to, once again, unwrap these painful labels and chains; to separate the truth from the lies.

I ask Him to heal these painful voids; to fill these painful cracks and crevices.

And I ask Him to make me overflow again with His love; to re-anchor me in my true identity in Him.

And like the loving and faithful Father that He is…

He does just that... every single time… piece by piece.

Only unlike the movie scene, there is never any shame in His voice… only tenderness and love. He welcomes my heart every time, holding me close and loving me into my healing.

One moment… taken back.

One moment to realize … we must always be vigilant about who we are choosing to dance with.

One moment… to refocus on the One who holds my heart.

And I realize how quickly one moment… can change everything.

How the enemy can use one moment to slide in and try to “squash” and steal all the beautiful life and joy that God has been pouring in.

Don’t let the enemy do it, my friends.

Don’t let the enemy move into your dancing space.

Don’t let him bury you in shame, insecurity, or fear.

He is the very definition of destruction, seeking only to steal your hope and crush your heart.

And the truth is… he knows that he only has as much power as he can convince you to give him. So, recognize his games. Recognize his deception. Recognize his motives. And take back your authority in Jesus.

Give your focus today to the One who holds your heart as if it’s the most precious of His possessions… because it is.

Hope you enjoyed this “out there” post as much as I enjoyed writing it!

With a big smile on my face and a renewed determination in my spirit, I’m wishing you many blessings for a beautiful week!


Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!

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