2-Min. Thoughts on Faith,  Jesus

Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Teaching Our Children to Dance with God

One day, he’ll decide for himself what he believes.

You could say that about him now, with his confident nature and unapologetic faith in who God is, but he’s still so young and he still comes to me with his doubts and questions.

But one day, he won’t.

One day, he will seek out those answers on his own. One day, he will be on a journey that is all his.

And on that day, it won’t be the knowledge that I have shared with him or the beliefs that I hold deep in my own heart that securely anchors him to the Father. It will be the one-on-one relationship that he has found for himself with the One who loves him most.

One day, he will decide for himself if he chooses this path because he knows the One who walks with him, intimately and personally, or if he has been walking it simply because he has been told to believe; the road that he has been instructed to take.

One day, he will hit a crossroad and he will have to make a decision. As we all do.

And when that day comes, this mama’s heart knows exactly where she anchors her own faith… in a God that loves him even more than she does!

And so, as his mama, I pray that as he grows, he remembers days like today …

Days when I encourage him to listen for how the Holy Spirit speaks to him, individually, and lean into that presence.

Days when I taught him to sit with God in quiet meditation or joyful celebration until he grows to know the feel of His touch, the whisper of His voice, and the evidence of His heart in every moment and in every space.

Days when I remind him that we are always welcome to come to our Father just as we are, authentic and raw, and bring all our doubts, brokenness, questions, and even anger; to curl up on His lap and let Him pour through us.

“That’s where you can anchor your truth, my son. Not in me, or your peers, or anyone else.”

Anchor your heart, your hope, your faith, and your truth in that still, small voice that says, “I see you and I love you. I have called you. You are mine.”

It’s all about that relationship. ❤️

Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!

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