The Prophetic Destiny of Our Children
Hey mamas… God tapped my heart the other day and I thought maybe you could relate…
I went to an event about a week ago and listened to a speaker. His message didn’t necessarily hit that deep spot for me on that particular night, but when he spoke two words mid-meeting, God interrupted my thoughts and said… “Right there. That’s what I wanted you to hear.”
The two words were prophetic destiny.
Suddenly the picture of my son’s face flashed across my mind. Prophetic destiny. His. His prophetic destiny. And the two pieces of information collided in such a powerful way in my mind that tears pricked my eyes almost immediately.
It had been a week, friends. One of those weeks. I have one of those spitfire, strong-willed, wild and beautiful kids. He’s absolutely amazing! He’s got opinions and he’s not afraid to share them. He’s got untamed wild energy and ideas that he’s not afraid to explore. And I know, without a doubt, that he’s going to be world-changer. I’m not even truly sure if the world is ready for him, but watch out, because he’s coming!
In the meantime, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that parenting that kind of crazy passion can be a challenge. Helping him navigate the world and childhood can be… overwhelming. And sometimes I cry. I fear. I hurt. And I worry that the world won’t be kind to him or that he won’t find his way. Sometimes, in my fear or frustration, I overreact with him. Sometimes I overanalyze, question, or even criticize. It’s as if I’m encouraging him to conform to some expectation of “different” even though I know in my heart that I don’t want that for him.
And then God stepped into my week, into that week, and He reminded me of a page of words that I wrote in my book. Words that spoke truth over who we are as children of the King and why we were created with a specific individual design. Why it’s so important to understand that our design is flawless and 100% intentional. That God doesn’t ever make mistakes in our design and He faithfully created us to shine in exactly the way that He plans for us to light up the world. And the same is true for my son.
You see, (and I speak for myself here) sometimes it’s really easy to forget that our kids wear a glorious crown; that a divine prophetic destiny awaits them and they are designed to be the perfect fit for whatever God has in store. In the chaos and challenges of parenthood, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and forget that their spitfire passion and wild untamed energy will move mountains one day! Because today, I just want to drink my coffee in peace.
Trust me… I get it. I completely understand. But wow… when God tapped my heart, showed me my son’s face, and filled my thoughts with the words below, it made something powerful move in my heart that day. And I wanted to share them with you.
Speak these truths over your children today, my friends. God is so good…
“When God created you, He gave you an incredibly special and unique calling, along with the power and authority to walk in it. You are IRREPLACEABLE in His eyes.
You are chosen. One-of-a-kind. Beautiful and incredible!
He skillfully and intentionally crafted every single amazing thing that makes you… you.
You have a purpose that you are specifically designed to fulfill. A plan that is for you alone. A calling that is only on your heart. And you are…
THE perfect fit.
Ever feel like you’re not really good at, or made for, anything? Yeah… Me too! But see, here’s the undeniable truth that outshines those defeating thoughts and feelings…
Our faithful and loving Father is the master architect, the master artist, and He has flawlessly designed us to be precisely fitted for His plan!
You were chosen. You are one-of-a-kind. You are far from unimportant. And you are definitely not cookie cutter.
You are called by name.
Irreplaceable… Yes, you…
You are irreplaceable to Him!
And He designed you to shine in the exact way that you are meant to light up the world for Him.”
Blessings on the journey, my friends!
(Excerpt is from our book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons. Click the image below to be redirected to the purchase link in Amazon.)
