Now Available on Amazon – A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons (Book)
We are so (very) excited to announce that our book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons, is finally (yay!) available to order on Amazon!
Because there is so much heart behind this book and this story, we would love to share more with you about how this book came to be. To learn all about the journey behind this amazing message, please take a moment and watch our Author Video here:
We also humbly share some amazing feedback and reviews that we received from the recipients of our advanced readers copies below:
Want to know more about our book? Here’s a sneak peek:
Very few (if any) of us will journey through this life without meeting the bathroom floor. Seasons of brokenness affect us all. I say the bathroom floor because that’s where I found myself… Ugly crying, broken, and lost on the bathroom floor. Sadness, fear, and debilitating anxiety pouring through me. How did I get here? And how will I ever get out?
But in that moment, God reached into my life and held out His hand. “Take just one step with me, my child. Just one. Lean into me. Let me hold you. And when you’re ready, we’ll take another. Trust me with your heart and we will walk out of this wilderness and step into your healing, hope, peace, and joy… together.”
And because of Him, I’m a completely different person today than the broken one that He held on that bathroom floor. He healed me. He completely changed my life.
Friends, I don’t have all of the answers that I know your heart is so desperately seeking, but I do know the One who carries us through. He has been an unwavering presence in my journey, gently and lovingly teaching me so many things along the way and then pressing on my heart to write. You see, this is the book that I wish someone would have been able to hand me two years ago in the middle of my own dark and heartbreaking season. This is the book that my heart truly needed. Because when you find yourself indescribably broken with pieces of your heart shattered and scattered, sometimes it’s difficult to believe that you can ever be made whole again… But Jesus!
In A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons, Shannon shares an intimate glimpse into her journey of drawing close to Jesus in the hard and letting Him pour through her heavy, broken, and grieving heart. Her book provides a simple and easy to follow outline of ways that we can truly clear the clutter, lean in, redefine who we are in Him, and refocus on where He is taking us, even in the most difficult seasons.
Best of all, you can now order A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Season on Amazon!! Click the image below and you’ll be redirected to the correct page!
Drop us a comment below if you ordered the book! Let us know what you think!
Blessings on the journey ahead!!
Big hugs! – Shannon
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