
Shame Thrives in the Dark Corners.

Shame thrives in the dark corners.

It isolates.

It tells us that we do not belong at the table, that we are not worthy.

Shame tells us that if we allow people to get too close, they will see who we really are; that all of our flaws, our mistakes, our deep and painful “ugly” will be exposed and in that moment… when we are seen for the person that we truly are… rejection will inevitably follow. Pain will inevitably follow. More shame piled upon shame.

Shame warns us to stay hidden.

Stay behind the veil.

Stay behind the wall.

Stay alone.

And my friend, if you feel these words deep in your bones, please hear my next sentence:

Shame is one of the enemy’s favorite tools and the enemy is a liar.

I have not walked in your shoes. I do not know what you have faced. But… I do know this:

God SEES you, He KNOWS every detail of your heart, and He LOVES you immensely… today… just as you are.

He knows the broken and the beautiful.

He knows the thoughts and pain that you speak out loud and those that you don’t.

He knows the desires of your heart and the first thoughts of every day.

He knows what you pray over every night and how it often keeps you up long after.

He knows it all, my friend. And this is what He says about you today…

You are mine.

You belong.

You matter.

You are not just one of many…. You are irreplaceable.

You are chosen and deeply, deeply loved and cherished.

I see you, my child. I see you. And I am with you.

You are mine.

You see, the enemy plots and plans endlessly to keep us spiraling in insecurity, fear, and shame, but here’s the game-changing truth that we must walk in today: he has no power.

Zero. Zilch. None.

God has given us all the authority over him. And all we have to do is speak one word… “leave.” Say it out loud, if needed. I know that I have.

It’s time. Time to take back our authority and rest in what our Heavenly Father says about us today…

He is pouring over you right now.

Love. Grace. Forgiveness. Acceptance. BELONGING.

You are not just enough in His eyes, you are beautiful, chosen, and delighted in.

My friend, please don’t filter out your Heavenly Father’s messages and replace them with the enemy’s lies.

Tell the enemy to leave… and he will have no choice but to flee. Do it out loud… as many times as it takes.

Walk in your Father’s truths. Water the words that He is planting in your spirit, in your identity. Allow His healing touch to move through the pain of shame and then get ready, my friend…

Because His healing touch is going to buff out that dust, re-exposing the beautiful and bright *you* that is under all that unbelonging debris, and you are going to begin to feel alive again!

Joy. Hope. Healing. It’s yours.

Believe it. Receive it. Pray over it. And claim it.

“And from the overflow of his fullness, we received grace heaped upon more grace.” John 1:16 TPT

Blessings, today, my friends! ❤️

Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!

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