Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: The Identity List
It started off as a conversation about shame between my Heavenly Father and me. He pressed on my heart to give it over to Him and I resisted, arguing in a most stubborn fashion that I deserved to carry it. The conversation quickly transpired into a full-blown discussion about my identity and who I am in Him, but it unexpectedly evolved into a beautiful and life-changing challenge that He placed on my heart:
To write a list, the list:
- All of the words that had been tattooed on my heart and deeply woven into the core of my identity.
- The circumstances that I have faced that felt like they have come to define me.
- The opinions of others that poured like concrete into my heart, weighing down my spirit and diminishing my joy.
- The hurt and pain, mistakes, and difficult seasons that had changed me, labeled me, and locked me into heart-breaking cycles of doubt, insecurity and fear.
Much like I asked my son to do for this art project, my Father asked me…
Who are you? Make the list. Write the words. Leave nothing left unsaid.
And here’s what He taught me in the journey –
When I struggle to find or believe in who I really am in Him…
I can always bring my list to Jesus, lay it at His feet, pray over it, let Him pour through it, and allow Him to heal me and REVEAL to me the truths in HIS heart.
You see, the enemy will always attempt to wrap lies, his words, those labels, so tightly around our identity that they become chains that hold us back from ever accepting and walking in our God-given identity, beauty, purpose, worth and calling. He will do everything in his power to break us… our hearts and our spirits.
But right here is where our hope can anchor and we can turn the tide on this messy, destructive battle:
What the enemy attempts to defeat and destroy, God came to heal, redeem, and breathe life back into: YOU!
So, my friend, accept the challenge. Make your list. Write down all of the labels that you feel have defined you. And then bring your list to One who holds your heart. Pray this prayer with me today:
“God, I know (insert your word) is not how you see me. I know that it is a lie that the enemy has whispered into my thoughts so many times that I have allowed it to become a destructive and defeating label that I now use for myself. Help me to erase this word from my identity and replace it with a name that you call me. Show me who I am in your eyes. And as I walk through my day, please reveal your truths to me so that I may understand and find rest in them.”
You see, as you journey through your list, God will begin to plant seeds in your heart. New words, His words. Be intentional about watering them in your spirit. Declare His truths to be your truths. Make them daily affirmations. Post yourself a sticky note on your mirror, write them down in your journal, or set a reminder on your phone.
Leave room for grace in the growth, but always remember…
You are only defined by Him and He loves you more than you know!
If you enjoyed this “2-Minute Thoughts on Faith” post, you may like my new book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons. You can find it on Amazon today in paperback or e-book. Click image below to be redirected.