P.S. God, Is That Really You?
Here are some questions that I’d like to take a moment to reflect upon with you today, friends – What keeps us from believing that we are truly hearing His voice? What filter have we placed between His voice and our hearts and how can we remove it so that we FULLY experience the flow of His outpouring?
Exploring these questions is such an important part of the journey, but sometimes, it can be quite challenging to unwrap the answers. I’d like to propose some possible scenarios that we can work through below, but I also want to encourage your heart to explore this question more deeply over the next week and ask God to reveal any additional filters that you may be experiencing. Let Him work through those filters with His love and His truths so that you may fully experience His voice, His presence, and His goodness in your life!
1) WHAT IF experiencing His voice or presence doesn’t look or sound like we expected it to.
This one is beautifully simple, my friends. God speaks to each of us in our own unique ways and it’s okay if the way that He is speaking to you looks completely different than the way that He is speaking to someone else. If you wonder if it’s really Him, just ask. He is always faithful to reassure your heart in just the way that comforts you… and builds your faith.
2) WHAT IF we don’t truly believe that God would see “little, unimportant” me.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Do you remember the versus to the oh-so-popular Sunday School song, “Jesus loves me… This I know?” For many of us, it was a piece of our childhood that cannot be easily forgotten because we sang it with such joy. But my friend… do you know? Do you know that He absolutely delights in you? Do you believe it? Do you let it take root deep in your spirit how loved you really are? I pray you do… and if not, ask Him to show you because He loves you bigger than you can possibly comprehend.
The Holy Spirit moves like a beautiful breeze across our heart, whispering words of love, wisdom, guidance, and encouragement in every season of the journey. Even when we fall flat on our face or lose faith in Him, He is still faithful to us.
Know that you are VERY seen, individually, and you are irreplaceable to our Father. You are not just one of many… you are one. His one. His daughter. Let Him show you just how known you truly are.
Never believe the enemy’s lie that you couldn’t possibly be loved that much. You are loved that much and so much more!
3) WHAT IF “what will people say/think about me” is on repeat when you think about how others will perceive or react to your on-fire, fully-alive relationship with the Father:
Am I weird? Maybe they are right. I thought this was God, but maybe it’s really just me. I don’t want to be rejected because I’m too “out there.”
As a recovering people-pleaser, I know all too well how the opinions of others can crush your heart quickly, but here’s the thing… Your relationship with Jesus needs no validation from anyone else.
None. Zero. Zip. Your relationship with Jesus, your journey with God, is just that… yours and His. And if God speaks to you one way and your best friend or spouse a totally different way, that’s okay. And if God speaks to you and someone doubts the validity of your experience – that’s okay too. It’s your journey with Him and He knows your heart.
One time (I’ll never forget this) a gentleman at a concert asked me what church I belonged to. When I told him who I follow as pastors, he quite abrasively said, “I’ve never heard them preach personally, but I’ve heard that they are way out there.” I gently laughed and said, “Thank you, Jesus! If I ever fit into a box of conformity, somebody gently slap me!” To be considered “way out there” because you chase His heart with zeal and passion is a beautiful compliment in the eyes of Jesus. I want to run wild and unashamed with the Holy Spirit! I want to be unapologetically on fire for Him!
So don’t be afraid to explore that deep well today, my friends! The deep well of the Father’s heart will never leave you thirsty for anything except more of Him!
Seek Him and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13