
Are You Still Dead On Easter Sunday?

I know the feeling all too well. My body was warm, but my soul felt cold. It had been so long since I had heard God’s voice that I began to question if it was all just a manifestation of my needs and desires. And if God was real, had He decided that I was simply not enough, underqualified, a failure, and a disappointment? Either way, it was Easter Sunday, but I was still in the cold, dark tomb. I was still dead. And this day was just another reminder that Jesus didn’t love me anymore. I had failed Him.

But hold on… as you read those words, you heard His voice, didn’t you? Listen. Let Him in. Feel His love. Close your eyes. Let it wrap around you. Let Him flood those dark places inside with love and acceptance. Let the tears fall. Let the shame go. Let Him love you and show you that you are His.

Just as Jesus rose from the dead on this beautiful Easter Sunday, so too does He wish to raise you from the deep, dark tomb that you have been in. He’s tapping your heart right now. He’s saying, “I see you. I have never left you. I love you. I chose you. You are mine.”

If you would have told me about any of that a year ago, I would have cried tears of pain and rejection and my response would have been some kind of masked protection to guard what I felt was left of my heart. I was still in that tomb, right where you are. I felt dead inside and although I wasn’t sure whether to blame myself or my circumstances, I knew one thing for sure… I had no idea how to get out. But, you see, Jesus didn’t die so that we may live defeated and dead. No. He died to stand in the gap and bring us into a loving, beautiful, fulfilling relationship with our Father. And that’s what He’s calling you to do today.

Have you ever heard the song “Evidence” by Josh Baldwin? If you haven’t, I encourage you to look it up and listen to it. The first time I heard it, I was sitting in my car and my eyes filled with tears because in that moment, I realized that the girl that went into that tomb so long ago was not the girl that came out. I wasn’t dead anymore. “I see the evidence of Your goodness all over my life, all over my life. I see Your promises in fulfillment all over my life, all over my life.”

This is what he wants for us, friend. He wants us to soak in His goodness. Rest in His promises. Dance in His faithfulness. Cry tears of joy as we learn to trust in His love and protection. We can lean in! And, we will rejoice as He moves in our lives!

Do you hear Him? Listen for His voice. He’s in the storm with you right now and He loves you. And I promise,

He will meet you right where you are.

There are no sins that He did not cover with the cross.

There is no shame that He cannot blanket with love and grace.

There is nothing that you can do or say that He cannot handle.

Lean in and let Him show you all that He wants to give you.

The acceptance. The forgiveness. The love. The joy.

He will breathe life into you like you’ve never experienced.

Lean in, my friend.


And let His goodness pour all over your life.

“I will put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the LORD.” Ezekiel 37:6

Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!

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