2022 New Year’s Resolution: Simply Put… More Jesus!
Friends, if I may be a little vulnerable with you today… 2020 was a year that brought me to my knees, quite literally. It was hard… so very hard. There were times that I wasn’t sure how to breathe, much less how to put one foot in front of the other. And by the start of 2021, I had only one prayer on my lips; one resolution that I could even wholeheartedly commit to chasing. Simply put, More Jesus.
Over the course of the year that followed, I dedicated myself to speaking life into His promises, over and over, even when I could not see a way through the emotional heaviness of my circumstances or a path that led me out of the painful realities of my present.
At times, I broke. I fell hard. Flat on my face. And oh how I ached. I cried. A lot. But friends, He met me there. Every time. Without fail. And He reminded me who I was and Whose I was. Until once again, I would lean into Him, draw up every ounce of strength I had (and strength He poured into me) and I would stand up, recommit myself to being intentional, and press forward.
I chased His heart with everything in me. In truth, I didn’t have much left to give, but I gave Him all I had. I began to experience a relationship with Him that allowed me to more deeply understand His love, His grace, and His glory. Draw closer. Lean in. That became my sole focus and the desire of my heart.
And suddenly, the most beautiful and inexplainable thing began to happen… Healing. Joy. And Life. They began to flow in my spirit again. A hardly noticeable stream at first, bounced about by rocks of doubt, shame, and insecurities, but it watered the seeds of hope as I began to feel Him working through me.
The painful areas of my life, the ones that I worked so hard to hide; the ones that would cause me to recoil in pain and send me into hiding with the slightest touch… they began to be carefully identified and deeply healed by His touch.
He poured His love into the scars of past and present circumstances and the hurt began to slowly fade, deep voids replaced by unexplainable and indescribable joy.
Storms that the world said would forever change me into something damaged and broken began to be beautifully and miraculously used by Him as He launched me forward into hope, healing, peace, and… a calling.
I soon discovered that while my other resolutions were wonderful goals to chase, and totally justifiable, a year of simply dedicating my focus to my relationship with Him brought more healing, joy, and blessings than all the others could have combined. And In truth, that very healing became a powerful and unstoppable force that launched me into achieving many of my other resolutions!
My friends, I say this with all heart and absolutely no judgement regarding your own personal 2022 resolutions…
If 2021 was a difficult and painful year for you and the next breath seems enough of a challenge, much less the next step, take heart… He is there. Set your focus on Him and I promise you, He will meet you there, even in the wilderness, especially in the wilderness.
Trust His voice. Trust His heart. Trust that He has gone before you and He has prepared a way. And my friend, trust that He has prepared you. He will see you through.
His heart is for you. He loves you. And you are safe to find rest in Him.
Let Him hold you when you feel too weak to press on. He will reweave your pain. You are His child and His heart. Believe in His promises for you. Believe in His truths.
Friends, speak life into your year. And watch what He can do!