My 3-Step Approach to New Year’s Resolutions! A Brand-New Way to Start Your 2023!
I’m ending 2022 with total gratitude, my friends!
Gratitude for the growth!
Gratitude for the beautiful God moments in between the ups and the downs.
Gratitude for where I stand today vs where I stood yesterday.
Gratitude for the blessings, even on the days when I can’t seem to see past the rubble.
And today, I’m choosing to be especially grateful for the promises that I’m still leaning into, that I’m still waiting to see, because I know the goodness of my Promiser and I know that He loves me.
Grateful, my friends, that His mercies are new every morning and His love and grace pours out with every breath. That a fresh start never required a new year because He’s the same God every day!!
So, make it a great day! Don’t dwell on what you didn’t accomplish or change or get right this year… the times that the bottom fell completely out… but rather, focus on Him and how much He loves you; how His presence was with you every step of the way.
Wake up today with no shame, no burden of chasing better or enough, and see yourself the way that God sees you…. Beautiful, loved, called, forgiven, and irreplaceable! Then go out and BE AWESOME in just the way He made you to shine!
Now… On to the best part! For my 3-Step Approach to New Year’s Resolutions, watch the video below! It has the power to absolutely change your year and your life!
All my love and blessings!