Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Come Just As You Are, My Child
“For (Jesus) has dedicated a new, life-giving way for us to approach God. For just as the veil was torn in two, Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to Him. We come closer to God and approach him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out!” (Hebrews 10:20,22 TPT) Sometimes one simple Bible verse can ground you solidly in His truths, given permission to…
I Am Not Catholic, But My Family Loved Joining the Good Friday Pilgrimage! Here’s Why…
Dear Friends, this blog post is part of our NEW! Challenged & (Always) Cherished series! I hope you enjoy it and I pray that it speaks to you and blesses you immensely! If you’d like to learn more about our Challenged & (Always) Cherished series, see the video at the end of this post. … I am not Catholic, but my family recently participated in the local Good Friday Pilgrimage (and LOVED it!). I wanted to take a few moments and jot down my thoughts and share with you where God has been growing me. And if you hang with me until the end of this post, I truly believe…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: The Identity List
It started off as a conversation about shame between my Heavenly Father and me. He pressed on my heart to give it over to Him and I resisted, arguing in a most stubborn fashion that I deserved to carry it. The conversation quickly transpired into a full-blown discussion about my identity and who I am in Him, but it unexpectedly evolved into a beautiful and life-changing challenge that He placed on my heart: To write a list, the list: Much like I asked my son to do for this art project, my Father asked me… Who are you? Make the list. Write the words. Leave nothing left unsaid. And here’s…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Gen-X Blast from the Past – Save the Last Dance
Okay, so warning… today’s “Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith” post is a bit out there. But it’s been lingering on my mind for days now, so I figured… why not? And bonus… if you’re of the Gen-X generation, particularly the latter end of that generation, you might even get a real kick out of this. So, let’s do it! I promise that if you hang with me for the end, it will be worth it! (Heads up: This post contains some colorful language.) If you were a teenager or young adult during the turn of the century, think around 2001, you likely remember the movie, Save the Last Dance. Now, although…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: The Armor That Holds Us Back
Ever get the sneaking suspicion that the protective armor that you choose to wear every day could be the very thing that is holding you back from your breakthrough or your victory? Absolutely no judgement here. I’m in the trenches with you, still learning to let God protect me in those places and spaces. But hang with me for a minute and let me share a story with you – It’s a familiar story. The story of David and Goliath. And here’s a king, King Saul. And this king decides that this young man, this boy, David, should be adequately protected if he is going to face such a fierce…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: They Carried Him
Over and over again, Jesus repeated the same words: The greatest commandment, the greatest instruction, the greatest lesson… was to love and love well. But how do we truly love well? It’s a question that I have been walking through with God a lot recently; a place and space where He has been calling me to grow. And here’s just one of the lessons that He has taught me… In Mark chapter 2 (TPT), we find the story of the paralyzed man lowered into a house where Jesus was speaking: “While Jesus was preaching the word of God, four men arrived, carrying a paralyzed man. But when they realized that…
God’s Waiting Room Was Created For Childlike Behavior!
“But hope means that we must trust and wait for what is still unseen. For why would we need to hope for something we already have? So because our hope is set on what is yet to be seen, we patiently keep waiting for its fulfillment.” Romans 8:24-25 TPT I feel like I have to giggle just a bit at this title. The truth is that when I picture a waiting room, I envision myself in a sterile and cold doctor’s office with a big note in huge, bold letters placed on the door listing out all of the do’s and don’ts of waiting room etiquette. I imagine a stern…
Prophetic Art for the Non-Artist Beginner (Like Me!)
My newest piece of prophetic art had me in all the feels. You see, over the last few years, God has been walking me through a powerful season of understanding my true “identity” in Him and this piece of art – a combination of paint, gel matte, and collage work – was a heartfelt visual representation of the healed place that He had brought me into and a beautiful reminder of where I wanted to deeply root and remain. For your ease of navigating and reading, the rest of this post is divided into four distinct sections: My “Why” For Creating Prophetic Art The Message Behind My Most Recent Piece…
Am I Really Lovable? Finding God’s Truths in the Ashes
Can I share something with you today in the spirit of vulnerability and encouragement? This right here was one of the hardest truths for me to accept in my journey through healing. Like many of you, I have experienced firsthand the life-crushing weight of shame, fear, and insecurity. I have walked through very difficult seasons feeling hopeless and lost. I have known the pain of facing really hard days alone and deeply broken. But I learned something powerful in each of those places and spaces: From our darkest seasons, God pieces together our most beautiful breakthroughs! And mine was no exception. In fact, it was nothing short of miraculous. But…
My 3-Step Approach to New Year’s Resolutions! A Brand-New Way to Start Your 2023!
I’m ending 2022 with total gratitude, my friends! Gratitude for the growth! Gratitude for the beautiful God moments in between the ups and the downs. Gratitude for where I stand today vs where I stood yesterday. Gratitude for the blessings, even on the days when I can’t seem to see past the rubble. And today, I’m choosing to be especially grateful for the promises that I’m still leaning into, that I’m still waiting to see, because I know the goodness of my Promiser and I know that He loves me. Grateful, my friends, that His mercies are new every morning and His love and grace pours out with every breath.…