Available to Read Now: Chapter One of the Book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons
Welcome, friends! With our very special devotional series coming up next month, I know that some of you may be on the fence as to whether or not it is the right fit for you. For that reason, I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to read the first chapter of the book completely free of charge. This sample gives a bit of a sneak peek into the journey that we will be walking through together during the month of October. Over the course of the 27-day series, we will be diving deeply into topics like perfectionism, shame, fear, identity, faith, loss, insecurity, and more! Don’t forget to follow us…
Book Review: The Todd White Story (Life is Short – Leave a Legacy)
Some book reviews are easy to write. This was not one of them for me. Before I get started on this book review, I want to first express that I’m struggling. In fact, I’ve gone back and forth many times trying to decide if I should even write this review for reasons that I’ll explain below. In the end, I decided to move forward with it for two reasons: #1 – Because I’ve committed this year to reading more (I love the way that it feeds my spirit), and… #2 – I’ve also committed to sharing honest and transparent reviews here on my blog of the books that I read.…
Travel: San Isidro Church in Las Mesitas, Colorado (Abandoned, Old Church)
Okay, friends… Confession: This is a totally random travel post. In fact, I usually would just add these photos to our Instagram account and carry on, but I just couldn’t help myself. This old church is an absolute gem, a truly beautiful and incredible piece of history, and because of that, I wanted to pause and give it the space that it deserves. Let’s start here – On a recent hunting trip to Southwest Colorado, my husband stumbled on an old, beautiful, empty church in the most unsuspecting of places. Now, usually when my husband goes hiking, scouting, or hunting, he brings me back heart rocks (my favorite) but knowing…
Book Review: Ten Women of the Bible by Max Lucado
My journey through Ten Women of The Bible by Max Lucado started out as a simple request by my little sister. She wanted to host an online Bible Study group together but didn’t exactly know where to start. As it turns out, neither did I… lol… But after a bit of research on my end, I stumbled onto this AMAZING devotional by Max Lucado with great reviews and we launched forward! And as I look back on the time that we spent deep in this devotional, I am so glad that we picked it! I loved this relationship-based study pretty much from the start, especially for a group setting, for…
A Time to Grow: Exit Gracefully & Carry On
Just write. Sometimes those are the words that I have to begin with. So here it goes… The other day I felt led to respond to a Facebook group discussion about whether or not “beliefs” belong in a medical setting. The author of the discussion was simply asking for recommendations for a Christian therapist for her child, but the post had taken another turn, as they so often do. A woman representing herself as a medical provider responded to this mother’s request with the following: “Religion does not make a practitioner more competent… I’m a medical provider and it would make me very uncomfortable to discuss my beliefs with a…
The Prophetic Destiny of Our Children
Hey mamas… God tapped my heart the other day and I thought maybe you could relate… I went to an event about a week ago and listened to a speaker. His message didn’t necessarily hit that deep spot for me on that particular night, but when he spoke two words mid-meeting, God interrupted my thoughts and said… “Right there. That’s what I wanted you to hear.” The two words were prophetic destiny. Suddenly the picture of my son’s face flashed across my mind. Prophetic destiny. His. His prophetic destiny. And the two pieces of information collided in such a powerful way in my mind that tears pricked my eyes almost…
Now Available on Amazon – A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons (Book)
We are so (very) excited to announce that our book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons, is finally (yay!) available to order on Amazon! Because there is so much heart behind this book and this story, we would love to share more with you about how this book came to be. To learn all about the journey behind this amazing message, please take a moment and watch our Author Video here: We also humbly share some amazing feedback and reviews that we received from the recipients of our advanced readers copies below: Want to know more about our book? Here’s a sneak peek: Very few (if any)…
Shame Thrives in the Dark Corners.
Shame thrives in the dark corners. It isolates. It tells us that we do not belong at the table, that we are not worthy. Shame tells us that if we allow people to get too close, they will see who we really are; that all of our flaws, our mistakes, our deep and painful “ugly” will be exposed and in that moment… when we are seen for the person that we truly are… rejection will inevitably follow. Pain will inevitably follow. More shame piled upon shame. Shame warns us to stay hidden. Stay behind the veil. Stay behind the wall. Stay alone. And my friend, if you feel these words…
Testimony Tuesday with Shannon
Yesterday on our Facebook page, I invited you to share a piece of your story with us and tell us what God’s been doing in your life lately. Today, I wanted to share a small piece of mine in hopes that it will bring your heart some encouragement if you’re sitting in the wait… You see, after traveling through a very difficult season, God began to gently press on my heart to share my story. And as you’ll gather from this excerpt, I was immediately filled with reluctance and doubt. But following through on His nudge, His gentle press, has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined. He…
Talking Jesus in the Mayonnaise Aisle
Picture it… Talking about Jesus in the mayonnaise aisle at the grocery store as others come and go around you… If we’re being honest, what feelings does it stir up in your heart? Discomfort? Anxiety? Fear? Not too long ago, I would find myself awkwardly uncomfortable – to the point of shutting down – if any conversation, public or private, ventured into the topics of God, Jesus, or the Bible, but especially in group or public settings. I could give you a whole list of reasons why, but it primarily came down to two (well one, really): Fear and Insecurity. I feared either total rejection (even by strangers) or that…