Oatmeal Honey Lavender Soap Recipe For Beginners (& Kids)
Sometimes, the little rabbit holes that we wander down as part of our homeschooling curriculum are just as much fun for me as they are for the little guy. This happens to be one of them… Over the winter, the little Mr. inquired about the process of making medicine from various plants. It was a subject that we had discussed briefly as part of his History curriculum, but he wanted to dive deeper. Because I love hands-on learning, I made the decision that once we had enough sunshine to grow a true herb garden outdoors, we would explore learning to make handmade products using everything that we grew. I’m definitely…
“Watch For My Love Notes Today”
Some stories are just too good to not share. This was one of those stories. During a recent visit to the grocery store, our son asked if I would buy him a pack of bathtub markers. I tried my best to redirect his attention to the wide selection of bubble bath options, but he just absolutely had his heart set on these markers. So, I consented. When we brought them home, he couldn’t wait to eat his dinner and jump right into the bath! For the next hour, he excitedly called us into the bathroom over and over to show off his newest masterpiece. Evidently they were a good find…
Book Review: You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado
You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado is an in-depth look at the life of Joseph and how much it can teach us about the goodness of God during our most difficult seasons. The subtitle for the book is “Hope and Help For Your Turbulent Times.” In the book, one of the first things that Lucado addresses is that God loves to use the word “through.” He doesn’t promise to lift us out of our mess and provide us with some kind of divine rescue, no matter how we may long for it. No… He promises to get us through. And as Lucado goes on to say, “it won’t be…
Coffee With Jesus: A Collection of Moments with My Heavenly Father
Throughout the year, I share a lot on my social media blog pages about random moments when God just stops me and asks, “Got a second? I need to talk to you about something today…” Sometimes it’s when I’m grabbing my morning coffee. Other times it’s while I’m out and about in nature. Car rides seem to be a good place for Him to catch me too. I laugh a little as I write this because my relationship with Jesus sounds a lot like two best friends… and that’s exactly what it feels like too. (Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how real you are and how much you love…
How To Make Farmhouse Stamped Books Without Stamps!
Last year, I absolutely fell in love with these adorable Farmhouse Stamped Books that were popping up everywhere! Pretty soon, the wheels started turning and my little DIY-obsessed heart began to get really excited for a new project! So, after looking up some tutorials on Pinterest, I jumped right in. Getting started was pretty easy, but when I couldn’t fix an imperfectly stamped book, it would drive me absolutely crazy! (If the perfectionist in you is feeling seen right now, see my blog post Ditch the Hamster Wheel of Perfection & Step Into Your Best Life With Jesus. I’m still very much a work-in-progress.) But, back to stamped books…there had…
Ditch The Hamster Wheel of “Perfection” and Step Into Your Best Life With Jesus!
Ladies, let’s talk about the elephant in the room… imperfection. We work so hard to be the perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect daughter, perfect sibling, employee, friend, boss, Christian, neighbor, woman… whew! I’m exhausted just writing it. But, let’s face it… trying to chase perfection is like trying to put a fitted sheet on a bed. You get one corner on nice and snug and you feel so proud, and then the other corner pops right off. So you move around, re-tuck that corner down and get it looking neat and “perfect” and up pops the next one. It’s a never-ending round and round as you struggle to get it…
Are You Still Dead On Easter Sunday?
I know the feeling all too well. My body was warm, but my soul felt cold. It had been so long since I had heard God’s voice that I began to question if it was all just a manifestation of my needs and desires. And if God was real, had He decided that I was simply not enough, underqualified, a failure, and a disappointment? Either way, it was Easter Sunday, but I was still in the cold, dark tomb. I was still dead. And this day was just another reminder that Jesus didn’t love me anymore. I had failed Him. But hold on… as you read those words, you heard…
Book Review: Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio
Goliath Must Fall, by Louie Giglio, is a powerful read that challenges much of the conventional wisdom surrounding facing the giants in your life. In the book, Giglio speaks about some of the major giants that people often face – fear, rejection, comfort, anger, and addiction. I think many of us can relate to facing at least a few of these giants at some point in our lives. Throughout this book, the victory over these giants is based on three major paradigm shifts from the Biblical story of David and Goliath: The first paradigm shift is the idea that “we are not David; Jesus is David.” With this shift, we…
Recipe: It’s (Almost Better Than) Parmesan Chicken!
Welcome!! If you’ve landed on this page, you probably already know that I’m no great chef, closet connoisseur, or foodie. I’m just a wife and mom trying to find easy and delicious dishes to serve my family! Growing up, my mom was amazing in the kitchen! I remember how she could take one look in the pantry and fridge and no matter how bare it appeared, she could whip up something homestyle and delicious! I have always admired that about her. Me, on the other hand, I’ve always been a get out the measuring cups and spoons and do not deviate from the recipe type of cook. That is until…
Recipe: Rotisserie Chicken – Quick & Delicious Chicken Tortilla Soup!
I’m a stay-at-home mama and wife and that usually means that I’m brainstorming what kind of dinner I need to start prepping by mid-day. I did use the word “brainstorming” right? Because the actual “prepping” part sometimes eludes me until around 4pm when I have that “oh shoot, what’s for dinner?” moment. And lately, I’ve been there more times than I’d like to admit. A quick stop by the grocery store for a rotisserie chicken and a few other ingredients later and voila! …problem solved. A restaurant-worthy presentation of an absolutely delicious chicken tortilla soup that the entire family loves – made in less than 20 minutes! Here’s how we…