“The Least of These” & Throwing Stones at Jesus
We’ve been on a “Cherished & Challenged” roll for two years, so why stop now, right? I love you, ladies, from the bottom of my heart. And I love your heart and passion for Jesus. It’s truly beautiful and so awe inspiring. But, (yes, there’s a but in today’s post…) some of you girls be throwing stones like you’re a modern-day David waging war against Goliath. You see or hear something that you don’t agree with and your righteous anger roars. You are practically begging God to call you into battle. Bless Goliath’s heart, you got this. You’re ready to tell this person exactly what needs to be done and…
God Wants To Make You Uncomfortable.
Honest question that I’ve been asking myself lately: Do I allow God to make me uncomfortable? Let’s REAL TALK here and unpack this for a minute (or so). 🤣 What if… Some of the things we’ve always “known” to be true (or untrue) were actually just by-products (fruit) of an automatic response to (rejection of) anything that makes us feel unsafe or uncomfortable? What if these automatic (often subconscious) response patterns are actually creating false narratives in our minds and hearts that are holding us back from jumping all-in with a God that seeks to invite us into His MORE, today? Let’s break this down – So often, what we’ve…
2025 Prophetic Dream: Stepping Into Heaven
I had a powerful dream a few weeks back. It was so beautiful that I felt it on my heart to share here, but hesitated for a reason that I don’t truly know. It has sat on my computer, written, but not published, for weeks now as I have fully marinated in the message and cried in revisiting the dream many times over. This dream was, and is, very special to me. I believe wholeheartedly that it was part divine visit, part prophetic message, and part God kiss for the treasuring. And even though I know I cannot fully comprehend the whole of its parts right now, what I DO…
Forgiving, Healing, and Breaking Free: What God Can Do With Your “Yes”
I say this with nothing but love, as a girl that has been there: Beautiful friend, you don’t realize the true weight of unforgiveness until you heal from it; until you let it go. If you battle with unforgiveness, please read to the end. It’s a long one, but a powerful revelation. God can heal what we are powerless to heal ourselves. God can pour peace into your pain and you can be set free. It’s not what we can do, but what He can do within us when we partner with Him in the journey. There was a season in my life, not too long ago, that I didn’t…
When The Holy Spirit Corrects: Identifying Your Response Patterns
The Bible tells us over and over again that when the Holy Spirit corrects and/or redirects our choices, actions, words, or steps, it’s evidence of God’s immense love for us.* However, although we know this to be true in our hearts, that sometimes does not keep our heads from jumping to other conclusions and creating false narratives that can, in fact, stunt the very growth that God is offering in that moment. The truth is, some of us (me, included!) fall into old habits rather easily when we come face-to-face with God’s redirection. We can trip over ourselves, overthink the situation to death, crawl back inside our shells, fall headfirst…
#MomLife & My Perfectly Imperfect “Quiet Time” With Jesus
Some days, this is what my time with God looks like. Yup, this picture (right here) is often my personal version of “quiet time with Jesus.” Messy and imperfect, it’s true, but also the beautiful reality of the season that I’m in right now – a season of several hats and many hearts, but too few hours in the day (#momlife). But friends, if there is one thing I’ve learned lately in the chaotic and wonky days of the journey, it’s this: Never underestimate the Holy Spirit’s ability to move into even the messiest, most imperfect, and simply mundane moments (like this) and powerfully speak to your heart. Because no…
Reflection: An Important Part of the Healing Journey
Find Me. When you revisit the painful memories of seasons in the past, find Me. When you sit in a space of reflection and there’s still an ache, a sorrow, in the healing, find Me. When you still struggle at times, wrestling with the rise and fall of forgiveness, grace, love, hope, and peace, find Me. I’m always there. And I always will be. … Over the summer, I sat right here at this beautiful waterfall. The pictures would make it seem magical, an incredible destination and adventure. But for me, it was a place that brought back more memories than I cared to revisit. But you see, that’s not…
Book Review: Fear Is Not The Boss Of You by Jennifer Allwood
Sometimes I feel like a book came across my desk at just the right time. It seems to hit all the feel goods and really capture my attention. And then, other times, I know it came across my desk at just the divine time – that is, God’s timing! This book is the latter. It was absolutely no coincidence whatsoever that this book landed in my lap. In fact, I also believe that it was no coincidence that I also happened to need a good book for my nightly walks and runs and ended up downloading it as an audiobook. Why? Because hearing Allwood’s voice as she poured out her…
P.S. God, Is That Really You?
Here are some questions that I’d like to take a moment to reflect upon with you today, friends – What keeps us from believing that we are truly hearing His voice? What filter have we placed between His voice and our hearts and how can we remove it so that we FULLY experience the flow of His outpouring? Exploring these questions is such an important part of the journey, but sometimes, it can be quite challenging to unwrap the answers. I’d like to propose some possible scenarios that we can work through below, but I also want to encourage your heart to explore this question more deeply over the next…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Teaching Our Children to Dance with God
One day, he’ll decide for himself what he believes. You could say that about him now, with his confident nature and unapologetic faith in who God is, but he’s still so young and he still comes to me with his doubts and questions. But one day, he won’t. One day, he will seek out those answers on his own. One day, he will be on a journey that is all his. And on that day, it won’t be the knowledge that I have shared with him or the beliefs that I hold deep in my own heart that securely anchors him to the Father. It will be the one-on-one relationship…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Come Just As You Are, My Child
“For (Jesus) has dedicated a new, life-giving way for us to approach God. For just as the veil was torn in two, Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to Him. We come closer to God and approach him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out!” (Hebrews 10:20,22 TPT) Sometimes one simple Bible verse can ground you solidly in His truths, given permission to…
I Am Not Catholic, But My Family Loved Joining the Good Friday Pilgrimage! Here’s Why…
Dear Friends, this blog post is part of our NEW! Challenged & (Always) Cherished series! I hope you enjoy it and I pray that it speaks to you and blesses you immensely! If you’d like to learn more about our Challenged & (Always) Cherished series, see the video at the end of this post. … I am not Catholic, but my family recently participated in the local Good Friday Pilgrimage (and LOVED it!). I wanted to take a few moments and jot down my thoughts and share with you where God has been growing me. And if you hang with me until the end of this post, I truly believe…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: The Armor That Holds Us Back
Ever get the sneaking suspicion that the protective armor that you choose to wear every day could be the very thing that is holding you back from your breakthrough or your victory? Absolutely no judgement here. I’m in the trenches with you, still learning to let God protect me in those places and spaces. But hang with me for a minute and let me share a story with you – It’s a familiar story. The story of David and Goliath. And here’s a king, King Saul. And this king decides that this young man, this boy, David, should be adequately protected if he is going to face such a fierce…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: They Carried Him
Over and over again, Jesus repeated the same words: The greatest commandment, the greatest instruction, the greatest lesson… was to love and love well. But how do we truly love well? It’s a question that I have been walking through with God a lot recently; a place and space where He has been calling me to grow. And here’s just one of the lessons that He has taught me… In Mark chapter 2 (TPT), we find the story of the paralyzed man lowered into a house where Jesus was speaking: “While Jesus was preaching the word of God, four men arrived, carrying a paralyzed man. But when they realized that…
God’s Waiting Room Was Created For Childlike Behavior!
“But hope means that we must trust and wait for what is still unseen. For why would we need to hope for something we already have? So because our hope is set on what is yet to be seen, we patiently keep waiting for its fulfillment.” Romans 8:24-25 TPT I feel like I have to giggle just a bit at this title. The truth is that when I picture a waiting room, I envision myself in a sterile and cold doctor’s office with a big note in huge, bold letters placed on the door listing out all of the do’s and don’ts of waiting room etiquette. I imagine a stern…
Prophetic Art for the Non-Artist Beginner (Like Me!)
My newest piece of prophetic art had me in all the feels. You see, over the last few years, God has been walking me through a powerful season of understanding my true “identity” in Him and this piece of art – a combination of paint, gel matte, and collage work – was a heartfelt visual representation of the healed place that He had brought me into and a beautiful reminder of where I wanted to deeply root and remain. For your ease of navigating and reading, the rest of this post is divided into four distinct sections: My “Why” For Creating Prophetic Art The Message Behind My Most Recent Piece…
Am I Really Lovable? Finding God’s Truths in the Ashes
Can I share something with you today in the spirit of vulnerability and encouragement? This right here was one of the hardest truths for me to accept in my journey through healing. Like many of you, I have experienced firsthand the life-crushing weight of shame, fear, and insecurity. I have walked through very difficult seasons feeling hopeless and lost. I have known the pain of facing really hard days alone and deeply broken. But I learned something powerful in each of those places and spaces: From our darkest seasons, God pieces together our most beautiful breakthroughs! And mine was no exception. In fact, it was nothing short of miraculous. But…
My 3-Step Approach to New Year’s Resolutions! A Brand-New Way to Start Your 2023!
I’m ending 2022 with total gratitude, my friends! Gratitude for the growth! Gratitude for the beautiful God moments in between the ups and the downs. Gratitude for where I stand today vs where I stood yesterday. Gratitude for the blessings, even on the days when I can’t seem to see past the rubble. And today, I’m choosing to be especially grateful for the promises that I’m still leaning into, that I’m still waiting to see, because I know the goodness of my Promiser and I know that He loves me. Grateful, my friends, that His mercies are new every morning and His love and grace pours out with every breath.…
Can You Trust God With It? The Short Answer: Yes, Absolutely!
Sometimes it won’t look the way you thought it would. Sometimes your heart will feel heavy with all the questions, the hurt, and the fear. But, my friends, always remember who calls your name in those moments because He is the true source of all comfort and peace. Just read what happened to me yesterday… If you watched the New Year’s video about my 3-Step Approach to Resolutions, you know about the “wish list”. There were several exciting things on mine this year. After watching the way that God poured through my 2022 wish list, I felt Him encouraging me with the same word all year: Bold. Be bold. And…
Chapter 15: Redefining Perfection (Happy New Year, Friends!)
Let’s take a minute and talk about the elephant in the room… Imperfection. We work so hard to be the perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect daughter, perfect sibling, employee, friend, boss, Christian, neighbor, woman… whew! I’m exhausted just writing it. But, let’s face it… Trying to chase perfection is like trying to put a fitted sheet on our king-size bed. You see, we recently added this 4” foam mattress topper that makes the bed extra comfy, but it also creates a real struggle when attempting to get the fitted sheet secured in place. You get the final corner nice and snug and you feel so proud, and then another corner…
Living Bold: Created for a Divine Purpose
The righteous are as BOLD as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1 NIV) Welcome to the second devotional in our personal family devotional series, my friends! I am so excited about this message! Earlier this week, I asked my son to write down questions that he had about God (or doing life with God) so that we could focus on them for our weekly family devotionals. You see, I find that kids ask really great questions that make for fantastic and intriguing points of Biblical research and discovery. Well, one of his first questions this week didn’t really surprise me: “Why would God create us bold?” But before we launch into that,…
Confessions of an Imperfect Mama
As parents, we are builders of families, individuals and legacies. It is vital to live with an idea of what we are building, that we might be more intentional.” -Bill Johnson Something powerful stirred in my spirit this year. It was something that both challenged me and simultaneously encouraged and empowered me. You may have even seen my blog post on the topic… The Prophetic Destiny of Our Children … about the ever-so-important role that I play in helping my son understand his beauty, his Father’s unconditional love and grace, the power and authority that he carries within him, and the calling that will one day be pressed on his heart. A…
Family Devotional Ideas: The Power of the Holy Spirit & Anointing Your Home With Oil
Late last year, I begin to feel the Holy Spirit press on my heart two words, prophetic destiny. Only in this particular moment, He wasn’t speaking of my prophetic destiny… He was referring to my son’s prophetic destiny. He was giving me a small glimpse of the calling that He had on my son’s heart and in doing so, He was shining a light on the irreplaceable role that we play as parents in nurturing that calling. In the months that followed, I began to press heavily into that message, having deep conversations with my little boy about his unique and beautiful spiritual gifts and how God created him with…
“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13 NLT
This is just a short note from my heart to yours. Just a short word of encouragement, love, and light. Just a short reminder and prayer to cover your day, or your week; your battle or your circumstance. But in all its simplicity, it is so very powerful, my friends. So very powerful. So here it is… If I have learned one thing about God’s presence in the day to day, it’s this – When we begin to look for God in even the little things, the daily grind, the seemingly mundane, we get to experience glimpses of His incredible presence in absolutely everything! ❤️ And knowing that He is…
Available to Read Now: Chapter One of the Book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons
Welcome, friends! With our very special devotional series coming up next month, I know that some of you may be on the fence as to whether or not it is the right fit for you. For that reason, I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to read the first chapter of the book completely free of charge. This sample gives a bit of a sneak peek into the journey that we will be walking through together during the month of October. Over the course of the 27-day series, we will be diving deeply into topics like perfectionism, shame, fear, identity, faith, loss, insecurity, and more! Don’t forget to follow us…
Travel: San Isidro Church in Las Mesitas, Colorado (Abandoned, Old Church)
Okay, friends… Confession: This is a totally random travel post. In fact, I usually would just add these photos to our Instagram account and carry on, but I just couldn’t help myself. This old church is an absolute gem, a truly beautiful and incredible piece of history, and because of that, I wanted to pause and give it the space that it deserves. Let’s start here – On a recent hunting trip to Southwest Colorado, my husband stumbled on an old, beautiful, empty church in the most unsuspecting of places. Now, usually when my husband goes hiking, scouting, or hunting, he brings me back heart rocks (my favorite) but knowing…
A Time to Grow: Exit Gracefully & Carry On
Just write. Sometimes those are the words that I have to begin with. So here it goes… The other day I felt led to respond to a Facebook group discussion about whether or not “beliefs” belong in a medical setting. The author of the discussion was simply asking for recommendations for a Christian therapist for her child, but the post had taken another turn, as they so often do. A woman representing herself as a medical provider responded to this mother’s request with the following: “Religion does not make a practitioner more competent… I’m a medical provider and it would make me very uncomfortable to discuss my beliefs with a…
The Prophetic Destiny of Our Children
Hey mamas… God tapped my heart the other day and I thought maybe you could relate… I went to an event about a week ago and listened to a speaker. His message didn’t necessarily hit that deep spot for me on that particular night, but when he spoke two words mid-meeting, God interrupted my thoughts and said… “Right there. That’s what I wanted you to hear.” The two words were prophetic destiny. Suddenly the picture of my son’s face flashed across my mind. Prophetic destiny. His. His prophetic destiny. And the two pieces of information collided in such a powerful way in my mind that tears pricked my eyes almost…
Now Available on Amazon – A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons (Book)
We are so (very) excited to announce that our book, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons, is finally (yay!) available to order on Amazon! Because there is so much heart behind this book and this story, we would love to share more with you about how this book came to be. To learn all about the journey behind this amazing message, please take a moment and watch our Author Video here: We also humbly share some amazing feedback and reviews that we received from the recipients of our advanced readers copies below: Want to know more about our book? Here’s a sneak peek: Very few (if any)…
Shame Thrives in the Dark Corners.
Shame thrives in the dark corners. It isolates. It tells us that we do not belong at the table, that we are not worthy. Shame tells us that if we allow people to get too close, they will see who we really are; that all of our flaws, our mistakes, our deep and painful “ugly” will be exposed and in that moment… when we are seen for the person that we truly are… rejection will inevitably follow. Pain will inevitably follow. More shame piled upon shame. Shame warns us to stay hidden. Stay behind the veil. Stay behind the wall. Stay alone. And my friend, if you feel these words…
Testimony Tuesday with Shannon
Yesterday on our Facebook page, I invited you to share a piece of your story with us and tell us what God’s been doing in your life lately. Today, I wanted to share a small piece of mine in hopes that it will bring your heart some encouragement if you’re sitting in the wait… You see, after traveling through a very difficult season, God began to gently press on my heart to share my story. And as you’ll gather from this excerpt, I was immediately filled with reluctance and doubt. But following through on His nudge, His gentle press, has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined. He…
Talking Jesus in the Mayonnaise Aisle
Picture it… Talking about Jesus in the mayonnaise aisle at the grocery store as others come and go around you… If we’re being honest, what feelings does it stir up in your heart? Discomfort? Anxiety? Fear? Not too long ago, I would find myself awkwardly uncomfortable – to the point of shutting down – if any conversation, public or private, ventured into the topics of God, Jesus, or the Bible, but especially in group or public settings. I could give you a whole list of reasons why, but it primarily came down to two (well one, really): Fear and Insecurity. I feared either total rejection (even by strangers) or that…
Two-Minute Thoughts: Shaking Courage
When describing the moments just before he stepped out in faith, Nehemiah writes, “I was terrified.” (Nehemiah 2:2) But he took the step. And guess what? God showed up. God delivered. God was faithful. Sometimes, God calls us to step out in faith, muster up every ounce of courage we can scrape together, and trust that He will catch us. And sometimes we are shaking in fear because we have a lot on the line and we’ve been disappointed so many times when we have counted on anyone other than ourselves. Sometimes what He is calling us into feels so impossible or the road feels too impassible. But my friends,…
What If Joy Doesn’t Come With the Morning?
“Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” (Psalm 30:5 NLT) But God, what if it doesn’t? What if the morning comes and I’m still curled up in the fetal position, overwhelmed with depression, anxiety, and confusion? What if I’m angry… so angry… because it’s all just so unfair. It’s unfair, God. I’ve done everything I know to do and these unrelenting waves are beating the life out of me! One after another after another. I come up for air and just as I think maybe there’s a reprieve in this storm, I’m thrown under the water again, gasping for my next breath and struggling to…
Travel: South Padre Island (SPI), Texas – Beach Vacation for the Whole Family!
Welcome back, friends! I’m beyond excited to share this travel blog post with you today because our family has been vacationing in South Padre Island, Texas for several years now and we just can’t get enough of its unassuming charm and endless fun and beauty! Our first few years vacationing there, we spent the entire week just enjoying beach activities (there are so many!), but more recently, we’ve been taking time to really explore all that the island has to offer! I’m sure that we will be adding more to this list in the years to come, but for now, here are some of our favorites to explore, eat, and…
Homeschool Books & Resources We Loved: Kindergarten
As a somewhat-new homeschooling mom, I have always felt a lot of pressure to find the right resources to help my little guy thrive! I want him to truly find enjoyment in learning, so I find myself constantly shifting materials in his curriculum until we discover the gems that light him up. Because I know that there are other moms out there with the same struggle, I began to keep track of what we loved as we worked through his Kindergarten year. And bonus… these are not just suggestions for homeschoolers! Many of these books can be rolled into your nighttime routine if your kid attends school outside of the…
On The Nightstand: A Current List of Books We Are Reading & Our Favorite Book Reviews
We often get asked what books we are currently diving into or recommend. On this page, we will strive to share all of our updates, book reviews (as they become available), and keep our book lists current. Please feel free to drop us a comment at the bottom of the page with your feedback or recommendations! Blessings! Before we get started, I’d love to take just a moment and recommend my new book for your consideration, A Time to Dance: Chasing Joy in Difficult Seasons. It’s all about drawing close to God in the really difficult seasons of life and allowing Him to pour into you and remind you who…
2022 New Year’s Resolution: Simply Put… More Jesus!
Friends, if I may be a little vulnerable with you today… 2020 was a year that brought me to my knees, quite literally. It was hard… so very hard. There were times that I wasn’t sure how to breathe, much less how to put one foot in front of the other. And by the start of 2021, I had only one prayer on my lips; one resolution that I could even wholeheartedly commit to chasing. Simply put, More Jesus. Over the course of the year that followed, I dedicated myself to speaking life into His promises, over and over, even when I could not see a way through the emotional…
10 Crafty Christmas Gifts on A Budget
Do you need some crafty Christmas gift ideas that stretch the dollar? We did too! So, we came up with a new series called “Crafty Christmas Gifts on a Budget” where we share ideas that are budget and beginner-friendly, but pack a real “wow” factor into your gift giving this year! If you would like to continue to see crafty and budget-friendly gift ideas like these, you can follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram as well! Links located at the bottom of this page! Idea #1: Framed Watercolor Prints Idea #2: Old Metal Street Signs Idea #3: Customized Wood Cutting Boards Idea #4: Crayon Names & Shapes Idea #5:…
8 Truths About God’s Love & Powerful Declarations to Speak Over Your Life Today!
Friends, if you need a little reminder about how much you are loved and how valuable and irreplaceable you are in His eyes, I encourage you to read through these eight truths and allow them to deeply take root in your heart today! Make these declarations over your life and allow them to bring you hope, encouragement, and strength. Blessings, friends! He is with us. 1. I am deeply loved by a Heavenly Father that knows me by name. He delights in me today, right now, in this very moment, just as I am. Even in the moments when I fall short or fail, He picks me up, dusts me…
“Fall Into Me” A 4-Week Trust Fall Into Our Heavenly Father’s Arms
Fall… it’s a season of change. It’s a quite visual demonstration of how beautiful it can be to let go. Living in the Colorado mountains, we marvel every year at the colorful show put on by our aspen trees. We embrace the transformation and stand in awe of the changes that God is creating all around us. What a beautiful and delightful time! But, guess what? As I marvel at the beautiful changing of the seasons all around me, I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that God isn’t just the Creator of change in nature. He’s also changing things in my heart. And He’s changing things in yours too.…
When My Feelings Threaten to Consume and Define Me…
I feel small and find myself taking up less space. I am so much less colorful than I once was and I fear that I will never find joy again. My light and spark have dimmed and sometimes I am afraid that I will be swallowed up entirely. I feel defeated and tired. I feel hopeless. I feel anxious. I feel misunderstood. I feel alone. And I find myself totally at the mercy of these feelings. A lot. Does any of that sound familiar to you? That was exactly where I sat last year as God walked me through a very beautiful, but often difficult, total heart transformation. I can…
Which Comes First… Faith or Glory? Hint: It May NOT Be What You Think!
Sometimes I work out a message from God in my writing. I wanted to invite you to join me today… The answer seemed obvious…faith, of course. If you have faith, especially through the storms, you’ll be rewarded, right?! That’s what I reasoned out when God challenged me with that question earlier this week. But, as soon as the answer settled into my thoughts, something about it just didn’t sit right. I’d like to set the scene for you on how this conversation with my Heavenly Father began. A while back, I wrote the following: Ever feel like your circumstances do not look like His promises? Like your storm is swirling,…
30 Days of Chasing Joy: A Jesus-Based One Month Action Plan
Referencing some of the apostles in the Bible, Max Lucado once wrote, “within them dwells a fire not found on earth.” Let that sit with you for a moment… “within them dwells a fire.” For the better part of the last year, I have chased that fire with eagerness and intentionality. I have not always known which direction to take, but I have leaned into my relationship with Jesus and tried to learn as much as possible about what He is trying to teach me. What I have found is a renewed joy like I have never experienced in my life. It is not a joy that comes from a…
How This $7 Homemade Board Changed My Praying Game
I am going to admit something here, right up front. I spent many (many) years paying little (or no) attention to my prayer game. I honestly felt like God was going to do… well… whatever He wanted to do, with or without my prayers. Wow… that’s a lot of honesty. But maybe you find it relatable? All of that changed for me about a year ago. If you’ve ever been through a life circumstance that literally dropped you to your knees, then you understand the complete paradigm shift that took place in my heart when I witnessed the truly divine power of prayer. I had a beautiful friend reach out…
Book Review: The Supernatural Ways of Royalty by Kris Vallotton & Bill Johnson (Bethel Church)
I love reading a really great book that challenges my thinking, encourages my heart, and through its lessons and insights, helps me deepen my relationship with Jesus. There have been many (many) times that God has met me in between the pages and chapters of a good book and ministered directly to my heart. As a result, when a book does hit that certain spot for me, I enjoy dropping a quick book review here. But, this “book review” is very different. I feel much like a student in total awe of the wisdom and discernment of my teachers. The messages are so powerful and so deep that page after…
County Fair “Grand Champion” Peach Jelly Recipe
I have to giggle a bit at the title of this blog post, but it was too good to pass up. In truth, I’m no great homesteader. To be honest, I usually have no idea what I’m doing. And for the record, I live in a fairly small county. But… that didn’t keep me from reminding my husband daily (or possibly hourly) that he was married to a “Grand Champion” after I won the ribbon for best jelly at the local county fair! All I had to do was glance in his direction and smile and he would look at me and sigh, “yes… you are a Grand Champion… I…
5-Day South Dakota Bucket List! (w/Kids)
Our family just wrapped up our second annual road trip to South Dakota and we still have a huge list of unexplored activities and areas for next year! It’s truly quite incredible how much this state has to offer… specifically in and around the Black Hills region. South Dakota is perhaps best known for being home to the very popular Mount Rushmore National Memorial. This historical tourist hotspot is absolutely worth the visit, but while many tourists drop into town for a quick “bucket list” pitstop, I can’t help but feel that they are missing out on so much that this area has to offer! In this blog post, we…
Friends, We Cannot Truly Minister To Each Other From Behind the Veil of Perfection.
God has been teaching me something really BIG lately and the message has such life-changing power flowing through it that I just find myself wanting to shout it from the rooftops… My friends, we cannot truly minister to each other’s hearts from behind the veil of perfection. Our hearts are tender right now, easily recoiled back into our safe space when we feel that we don’t line up with what the world has told us we should be. We are resisting hiding, but the truth is that on the inside, we are feeling a slight tremble. “I’m strong, but please don’t test my strength. Please don’t see my vulnerabilities or…
Oatmeal Honey Lavender Soap Recipe For Beginners (& Kids)
Sometimes, the little rabbit holes that we wander down as part of our homeschooling curriculum are just as much fun for me as they are for the little guy. This happens to be one of them… Over the winter, the little Mr. inquired about the process of making medicine from various plants. It was a subject that we had discussed briefly as part of his History curriculum, but he wanted to dive deeper. Because I love hands-on learning, I made the decision that once we had enough sunshine to grow a true herb garden outdoors, we would explore learning to make handmade products using everything that we grew. I’m definitely…
“Watch For My Love Notes Today”
Some stories are just too good to not share. This was one of those stories. During a recent visit to the grocery store, our son asked if I would buy him a pack of bathtub markers. I tried my best to redirect his attention to the wide selection of bubble bath options, but he just absolutely had his heart set on these markers. So, I consented. When we brought them home, he couldn’t wait to eat his dinner and jump right into the bath! For the next hour, he excitedly called us into the bathroom over and over to show off his newest masterpiece. Evidently they were a good find…
How To Make Farmhouse Stamped Books Without Stamps!
Last year, I absolutely fell in love with these adorable Farmhouse Stamped Books that were popping up everywhere! Pretty soon, the wheels started turning and my little DIY-obsessed heart began to get really excited for a new project! So, after looking up some tutorials on Pinterest, I jumped right in. Getting started was pretty easy, but when I couldn’t fix an imperfectly stamped book, it would drive me absolutely crazy! (If the perfectionist in you is feeling seen right now, see my blog post Ditch the Hamster Wheel of Perfection & Step Into Your Best Life With Jesus. I’m still very much a work-in-progress.) But, back to stamped books…there had…
Ditch The Hamster Wheel of “Perfection” and Step Into Your Best Life With Jesus!
Ladies, let’s talk about the elephant in the room… imperfection. We work so hard to be the perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect daughter, perfect sibling, employee, friend, boss, Christian, neighbor, woman… whew! I’m exhausted just writing it. But, let’s face it… trying to chase perfection is like trying to put a fitted sheet on a bed. You get one corner on nice and snug and you feel so proud, and then the other corner pops right off. So you move around, re-tuck that corner down and get it looking neat and “perfect” and up pops the next one. It’s a never-ending round and round as you struggle to get it…
Are You Still Dead On Easter Sunday?
I know the feeling all too well. My body was warm, but my soul felt cold. It had been so long since I had heard God’s voice that I began to question if it was all just a manifestation of my needs and desires. And if God was real, had He decided that I was simply not enough, underqualified, a failure, and a disappointment? Either way, it was Easter Sunday, but I was still in the cold, dark tomb. I was still dead. And this day was just another reminder that Jesus didn’t love me anymore. I had failed Him. But hold on… as you read those words, you heard…
Recipe: Rotisserie Chicken – Quick & Delicious Chicken Tortilla Soup!
I’m a stay-at-home mama and wife and that usually means that I’m brainstorming what kind of dinner I need to start prepping by mid-day. I did use the word “brainstorming” right? Because the actual “prepping” part sometimes eludes me until around 4pm when I have that “oh shoot, what’s for dinner?” moment. And lately, I’ve been there more times than I’d like to admit. A quick stop by the grocery store for a rotisserie chicken and a few other ingredients later and voila! …problem solved. A restaurant-worthy presentation of an absolutely delicious chicken tortilla soup that the entire family loves – made in less than 20 minutes! Here’s how we…
Summer Break Reading & Writing Resource For Kindergarten and First Grade Level (Free Download Included)
Kindergarten is a fun and amazing time when our children are learning so much! One second they are memorizing the alphabet and potty-training. Then you swear you just blink and here they are reading words and writing sentences! It’s quite remarkable to watch their little sponge-like brains just absorb the world around them! But, as any teacher or parent will tell you, this is also the time when repetition seems to be a vital tool in the retention process! The University of Tennessee in Knoxville studied the effects of summer reading in young students and concluded that, “children who do not read in the summer lose two to three months…
He Grieves: When Your Spouse is Spiritually Shaken By Loss
Being the spouse of someone that is in deep mourning is a unique kind of helplessness and pain. And whether it comes on suddenly or over time, it rocks your world, just as it shakes theirs. The focus is, rightfully so, on the partner in deep mourning. So, when you’re the spouse, you feel selfish to even acknowledge that you are on a somewhat parallel path, also mourning a deep loss, but a different kind of loss. The loss of the one standing right in front of you. The one that is physically still there, but emotionally, they feel empty and gone. You face the fear of the unknown as…
Our Favorite French Toast Recipe!
This recipe has quickly become a breakfast favorite in our home! And the most surprising positive review came from my husband, who isn’t even a fan of french toast, in general! He loved it! It could have had something to do with the added bacon (wink, wink) but I like to think that I just converted him with my awesome skills! So, from our home to yours, we hope you enjoy our Favorite French Toast Recipe! Blessings! Ingredients 1 Loaf Fresh French Bread (Not Pre-Sliced) 4 Eggs, Beaten 4 Tablespoons Butter, Melted 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1/4 Cup Milk 2 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Nutmeg…
The Healer of a Crippled Heart
Merriam-Webster defines a cripple as “being lame, flawed, or imperfect.” I don’t know about you, but I can definitely identify with that. I have battled things in my heart that have left me feeling hurt, hopeless, overwhelmed, defeated… crippled. I have often longed to accept this defeat because each time I try to stand on my own, I fall flat on my face. But the Bible tells us that “it was faith in Jesus that made this crippled man well… He was made completely well because of trust in Jesus.” (Acts 3:16) We talk a lot about the healing of the blind, the deaf, and the lame, but Jesus didn’t…
Art Journaling In The Space Between Feeling & Reacting
I remember reading a line in one of Lysa Terkeurst’s books that really spoke to me… “I’ve gotten so much better about sitting in the space between the feeling and the reaction.” She went on to say, “I sit with the feeling and take time to sort it out.” I remember thinking, wow… I want to be able to do that. It sat with me for a long, long time. As strange as it sounds, I feel like God took me on a refurbishing journey this last year. Some people say they reinvent themselves at some point in life, but I didn’t reinvent myself. I was refurbished. I liken it…
DIY: Old Books Repurposed into Art and Prayer Journals
I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am about this blog post! It combines so many of my favorite things: Books, repurposing, journaling, art journaling, prayer journaling, crafting, and even thrifting! What a fun and unique project!! I think these adorable and one-of-a-kind creations make great gifts too!! The customization options are truly endless!! I really hope you enjoy this DIY project as much as I did! And I hope it brings you even more blessings as you use it!! This tutorial will primarily be a visual tutorial with instructions below each photo. Again, the customization options are endless, so think of this as more of a…
Recipe: Grandma Millie’s Bao (Chinese Steamed Meat Buns)
I share this recipe in loving memory of a beautiful woman who selflessly cared for and nurtured all those around her. Her bao recipe, or Chinese steamed meat buns, was special to all of her boys, but especially my husband. Anytime she asked what he would like for his birthday, the answer was always the same… bao. And she would laugh, roll her eyes, and mumble about how long it takes to make. But she would glow too. I can see her face now, as I share this. You see, Millie spoke love through her cooking and her boys lived for her meals. Their bond was so much deeper than…
Paint Colorful Animal Art With This Easy-to-Follow Tutorial! (For Kids Too!)
When I was in high school, my art teacher gave me a “B” every single year. She always said that although my art was good, I failed to create something original. You see, I had become pretty decent at duplicating art that I saw in magazines or books, but no matter how hard I tried, my mind just didn’t create something out of nothing. Someone probably should have told her that a few years later a company would make billions… yes, billions… helping people do just what I did in her class every day… (Hello, Pinterest!) … or maybe someone should have told me so that I could invest in…
DIY Family Pictures: The Secret to Snapping Pics You’ll Love!
From the time my little man was born, he has struggled to not shy away from new faces. His naturally timid nature made taking professional family pictures near impossible. Having not only a new face, but a new face with a camera… it just didn’t work for him. So, mama to the rescue! Time to learn a new trick – DIY family photography. So, here we are, five years later, and our DIY family picture adventures are still going strong! I’ll never compare my results with that of the beautiful pieces of artwork that my professional photographer friends produce, but whether you’re on a budget or have a camera-shy member…
Book Review: Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa Terkeurst
Can I recommend a beautiful book that I recently finished reading? “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget” by Lysa Terkeurst. I stumbled upon her book while visiting another blog and was immediately intrigued. When I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. I cried my way through page after page. Lysa so beautifully walks the reader through the healing and forgiveness experience as God intended for us. She is so raw, vulnerable, and real in her writings that you immediately connect with her while you “sit at her table.” This book is beautifully written and I wish I could buy it for everyone that I know and love. “No human…
Let’s Make Pebble Art!
I’m always on the hunt for art projects that are easy on the wallet, but pack in lots of imagination, fun, laughter, and excitement! Even better, I love art projects that result in something unique that we can hang on our art wall as a great conversation piece and a reminder of our time spent together as a family! As homeschoolers, we practice a lot of art in our curriculum because it encourages not only creativity, but also critical thinking and problem solving. Further, on the elementary school level, it also helps develop fine motor skills! What I personally love about our art projects is that they build confidence in…
DIY: Beautiful Handmade Crosses in Six Steps or Less!
I am so excited to share these beautiful handmade crosses with you today! Inspired by my hubby’s unique, intricate, and stunning “Flawless” series (see the last photos in this blog post), I set out to create a cross that was DIY friendly for the blog. The crosses pictured can be achieved in six steps or less! They do require a bit more equipment than some of our other DIY projects, but they are very beginner-friendly! And the best part? You can customize, embellish, and decorate them any way that you like! I hope you enjoy this DIY project as much as I did! No more stalling…let’s jump right in! The…
Acorn Art: Discover the Fun of Making Your Own Easy & Quirky Masterpiece!
If you’ve played on Pinterest enough, you’ve likely seen one of Petr Vaclavek’s world-famous acorn elves! The first time I laid eyes on them, I was smiling ear to ear! They are fun, silly, absolutely unique and incredibly brilliant! I couldn’t stop flipping from one image to the next! And the best part? The idea was born out of a simple brainstorming session of how to make art from the collections of materials brought home from nature walks with his kids! How wonderful! If you want to see his site, click here! You won’t be disappointed! Of course, as soon as I saw Vaclavek’s beautiful acorn elves, I just knew…
Resting in Jesus in a “Save Face” Society
Life is full of humbling moments, but the most painful ones usually involve a gross exposure of our cracks, flaws and imperfections to the world. Society, as a whole, tells us that the most important thing during these times is to immediately shift into damage control. The message is clear, “hide your imperfections and cover up the pain with lies.” Wear a smile. Act like nothing is wrong. Act like you’re winning. Don’t let them see your vulnerability. Don’t let them see you crack. If they see it, it gives them power over you. We are so busy trying to control the damage and save face that we have forgotten…
The Baby Shower Gift We Have Used For Over 5 Years!
I don’t write a lot of product reviews on my blog, but I remember being a first-time expectant mom and trying to sort through the scary task of making my first baby shower registry. What do I actually need? Which product works best? Do brands matter? What will I forget? Oh gosh, how can I put such expensive items on my registry and actually ask people to buy them? That was over five years ago, but I still remember how overwhelmed and anxious I felt about it all. Fast forward to today and I can’t believe that I’m still using one of my baby shower gifts over five years later! …
Make Your Own Family Cookbook: A Gift That Warms The Heart and Spans the Generations
I read somewhere once that the most treasured heirlooms that you can pass down to your children are memories. Our son recently lost his beloved grandma, my mother-in-law, at the tender age of four. How could I help him hold on to his memories of her when he was so young? The answer…. I needed to be very intentional in documenting those memories for years to come. Fortunately for us, we were blessed with the gift of time. You see, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer almost 14 years ago. Her prognosis was poor at diagnosis, but she fought bravely for years and she (and God) gave…
Hike Colorado: Handies Peak From American Basin
Every year, I get together with a few of my favorite girlfriends and we laugh our way through some epic Colorado adventure, usually followed by a lot of caffeine and Tylenol because #almost40 and #thepainisreal! We’ve hiked into Maroon Bells (near Aspen) from Crested Butte and last year, we hiked the ever-popular Ice Lakes Basin and Island Lake trail outside Silverton. This year we decided to summit our first 14er! Out of 50+ 14ers in the state of Colorado, we picked Handies because it’s beginner-friendly and still packs in alpine lakes, a beautiful river, little waterfalls, stunning wildflowers, and incredible views!! If you have a good recommendation for one of…
Chasing Waterfalls in Southwest Colorado
There are so many incredible places in Colorado that deserve to be on your bucket list, but some of my absolute favorite adventures are those that end under a beautiful waterfall! Below, you’ll find my own personal “Bucket List” of waterfalls in SW Colorado! Feel free to bookmark this page and check back often, as I love adding new waterfalls to the list! Or better yet, drop a suggestion in the comments with one that I haven’t included! While here, click on any waterfall name to be redirected to a site with additional information. As you scroll through my bucket list for inspiration, keep in mind that I haven’t been…
Bucket List Hike: Ice Lake Basin & Island Lake (Silverton, CO)
Hiking Ice Lake Basin, just outside Silverton, Colorado, has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. If you’ve ever seen photos of the area, the images just stick with you. Ice Lake Basin and its sister lake, Island Lake, which is just a bit further up the trail, are true SW Colorado gems and worth every bit of effort that it takes to reach them. In fact, when I was doing my research for the hike, one reviewer said, “5 stars is not enough.” I couldn’t agree more. It is everything that I love about Colorado all packed into one amazing day hike. First off,…
Let’s Make Nature Art!
We absolutely love going on nature walks. For me, there’s nothing quite as rejuvenating as being outside and letting my senses take in all of the sights, smells, and sounds of the great outdoors. So, naturally, when I saw this idea floating around social media to create art out of things you find in nature, I just knew that we had to try it out! (…and I’m so glad that we did!) This project not only ended up being fun and creative, but it also brought the whole family together around the table because everyone wanted to try one! Before we get started, I wanted to mention a few small…
Hike Colorado: Crested Butte to Aspen via West Maroon Pass
Every summer, a small group of my girlfriends and I plan a weekend get-away centered around whatever epic hike we have been eye-balling for the year. This annual tradition started in 2018 when we decided to hike over West Maroon Pass (elevation 12,500’) from Crested Butte, CO to Aspen, Colorado, ending our 13-mile hike at the iconic Maroon Bells Lake. In this blog, I’ll share the logistics of our planning, the experience of the hike itself, and the realities of some of our miscalculations. In all, we had an amazing time and it’s a hike that I highly recommend! The Logistics Lodging Transportation To/From Trailheads When to Hike What to…
Travel: Moab,Utah
Moab, Utah. It’s a busy little tourist hot spot with all the small-town charm and hospitality and an endless outdoor paradise as its backyard. Every time we leave Moab, we are plotting and planning for our return. It’s just one of those towns that steals your heart and leaves you craving more! And the best part… it’s a place that we truly enjoy as a family! In this blog, we will discuss the family-friendly activities that we recommend in Moab, Utah: Arches National Park Canyonlands National Park Dead Horse Point State Park Mill Creek Hiking Trail and Waterfall Moab Giants Lin Ottinger’s Moab Rock Shop and Fossils Quesadilla Mobilla ……
My Top 13 Lessons From Our First Year of Homeschooling
You’ve heard it said before that homeschooling is not for the weak of heart. Well, it’s true. There were many days in that first year that I questioned if I was doing the right thing. But then, somewhere in the middle of the year, it all just clicked. We found our groove. We were soaring! From then on, it was crystal clear that this was the right path for our family and we absolutely fell in love with homeschooling! I am not a seasoned homeschooling mom. I do not have years of experience under my belt. One thing I do have is a year’s worth of mistakes and accomplishments, all…
In This Difficult Season, Pray Tirelessly Over Your Thoughts, Your Words, and Your Heart. Proverbs 4:23
Everyone I know is hurting right now. The world has changed so much in the last few weeks and we are all trying to navigate through this new norm together. The future holds so many uncertainties and, in so many ways, we have no control over tomorrow. It’s unfamiliar, stressful, exhausting, and scary. During such a difficult time, it’s especially important to be mindful of the seeds that we choose to plant and water in our heart. Don’t let the enemy use this difficult season as an opportunity. I am reminded of one of my most painful regrets (and biggest lessons) during our infertility journey a few years back: To give…
250+ Children’s Book Recommendations From Book-Loving Moms!
Welcome! We recently hosted a virtual book party where we invited other book-loving moms to share with us some of their favorite children’s books! We were delighted when the list of book recommendations grew and grew and covered a broad span of ages, interests, and authors! We hope you enjoy this comprehensive list, with links, of all of the books that were recommended during the party! And feel free to drop us a comment with your favorite children’s book! Blessings and Happy Reading! Categories: Family Favorites Lessons and Morals Loss of a Family Member or Pet Emotions and/or the Body Weird Book Obsessions & Common Interests Books About Family or…
Our Favorite Pre-K Books!
Pre-K… our first adventure in homeschooling!! We have enjoyed it so much! We chose Sonlight Christian Homeschooling Curriculum, level Pre-K 4/5, back in the fall and it has been a wonderful fit for us. Along the way, we also added in extra learning activities, subjects, books, and more as our little man was asking questions and showing interest in all kinds of things! It has been an amazing adventure and I cannot believe how far he has come in only one year! I attribute a lot of his success to the books that we have enjoyed over the school year! It never ceases to amaze me how much little kids…
Alphabet Practice: Letter Recognition Games and Tools
One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the freedom to change things up, as needed, to help my little guy learn and retain the information that we are covering. But, even if you don’t homeschool, you probably enjoy working with your kiddos at home and I’m hoping you found yourself on my blog page because you are interested in new and fun ways to practice alphabet recognition! Welcome! I’m excited that you are here and I hope these games and tools will be helpful on your journey! “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” Ignacio Estrada And so…. these…
Philippians 4:7, Peace That Exceeds Understanding
I was having a casual conversation with my dad the other day and somehow the topic of God’s peace came up. Not the every day peace that we feel when we follow Him, but those moments when God steps in and gives us peace that is beyond human understanding. The first time that I experienced this kind of peace was in college. I had a rough first year in college. I was a very quiet and reserved small-town girl seeking acceptance in all of the wrong places and those crowds can quickly leave you feeling empty and rejected, not to mention spiritually dirty. I was lost and I felt very…
DIY TV Tray Table Makeover: Texas Flag
Have you ever thought about painting your tv tray tables? No kidding…these are one of the most talked about pieces in our entire house, and I have painted a lot of pieces in our house. Everyone comments on them and wants to know where I bought them. LOOKING FOR THE COLORADO FLAG MAKEOVER? Click Here to be Redirected. To provide a bit of a back story on where this idea came from, I love to play with DIY furniture upcycling! When I have a storage need in my home, I love to buy old, heavy-duty real wood furniture second-hand and paint/distress it to give it lots of character. Sometimes I’ll…
Travel: Crested Butte, Colorado
One of my favorite places to spend a few days off is the little town of Crested Butte, Colorado. Admittedly, I’ve never been during the winter, but we’ve made several summertime trips to this part of the state because the hiking is just amazing! In this blog, I’ll share with you some of our experiences, both good and bad. If you’re new to my blog, it’s important to note here that my adventures often include my family, which means my husband and our little guy, so the hikes are often geared towards adventures where I can carry the toddler in/out, he can tolerate the distance and I can handle the…
Travel: The Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, Colorado
Colorado is full of amazing places to explore, but perhaps one of the more well-known areas is The Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve. While this park can be very crowded and hot during certain times of the year, if timed right, your visit can be an exciting and fun adventure for your whole family! Due to our somewhat close proximity to The Great Sand Dunes National Park, we are pretty choosy about when we visit, but it’s truly spectacular any time of year! I won’t be long-winded with this post, but wanted to share a photo library of some of our favorite ways to enjoy the park (and…
Homemade Play Dough (and letter recognition)
(Recipe 👀👇🏻) … Any learning process that involves hands-on play is a win in our house and this homemade play dough continues to be a favorite with my little guy! (Bonus: We use it to make and identify our letters! He’s having a blast and learning at the same time! 🎉) If you’ve never made homemade play dough, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is! I’ve included my favorite recipe below… Have fun! 2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar 1/3 cup salt 1 cup flour 1 cup water 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Food coloring Instructions: Pour all ingredients into a medium mixing bowl. I usually start the mixing process to…
Book Review: God Chasers by Tommy Tenney
Our January (2025) “Book of the Month” was God Chasers by Tommy Tenney. This book, first published in 1998, fabulously pushes way (waaaaaayyy) outside the boundaries of the “comfortable” and politically correct posture of many churches these days, urging its readers to explore the intimacy and more that God offers when we choose to lay down our programs, control, expectations, and boxes in order to fully seek His heart with reckless abandon. Make no mistake, this book is very bold in its approach. If you are easily offended, you may feel quite challenged as you read through the author’s unapologetic approach to hard (and often taboo) truths. Tenney is unafraid…
Ryan’s “Care” Projects: How *Clearance* Backpacks Can Make a Difference
Seize every opportunity to do acts of kindness for others, for these are the moments that delight your Father’s heart. Hebrews 13:16 Friend, it only takes one devastating blow in life to end up in a much different place. One unexpected diagnosis. One ill-timed layoff. One catastrophic storm. One life-shattering event. It only takes one. In our season of blessings, it is so incredibly important to look around and reach out our hands to help others who are in their seasons of need. We are all God’s children, called to be the hands, heart, and feet of Jesus in all places and spaces. We are called to serve and most…
Two-Minute Thoughts on Faith: Feed Your Belly & Feed Your Spirit This Holiday Season!
Video Transcription Can Be Found Below. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Hi, everybody! Shannon here with Raising a Blessing Blog and today as we roll into the holiday season, (we’re only two days away from Thanksgiving) we’re going to talk about the spiritual food that we are consuming as we gather together with our friends for friendsgiving or with our family for more traditional Thanksgiving. We’re going to talk about how important the spiritual food is that we are consuming. You know, Jesus said, that the most important commandment was to love Him and to love others. And I know that as we roll into this Thanksgiving season, sometimes it’s challenging to be…